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Christmas is a holiday originally associated with the birth of Jesus Christ (in Christianity, (as God the Son)) and his promise of forgiving our sins and eternal life for those who continue to believe in him after death.
It later extended to refer to a tradition of bringing gifts to close family and friends as well; and icons such as Santa Claus, the Christmas Tree, roast turkey/chicken (or fried chicken in Japan), and Winter/snow and the figures associated with them.

Santa Claus is a mythological figure associated with Christmas. Santa Claus, while not appearing in person has been referenced various times in The Legendary Starfy series.
Saint Nak may be a reference to both Santa Claus and Saint Nicholas, and is essentially him as a reindeer; an animal associated with Christmas.
The clothes Santa Clothes in Densetsu no Starfy 3 and accessory Santa Hat are a reference to Santa Claus' traditional red clothing.
In The Legendary Starfy, the Red Velvet Robe and Velvet Hat (with a visible gift sack) may be a reference as well, especially since when the latter two are combined they create the Festive Scene (known as "Merry Christmas"/メリークリスマス in Japan).
In Densetsu no Starfy 4, Santa Claus as a human is one of the Answers Cards.