The Bunnera Times

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An article about Starfy, "Hero of the Galaxy" in The Bunnera Times

The Bunnera Times (Japanese: らんぱしんぶん, Bunnera Newspaper) is a newspaper published in Planet Bunnera during the events of The Legendary Starfy. Prior to Mashtooth's invasion of Planet Bunnera, Starfy was shown at least twice in this newspaper. In an issue of the newspaper seen in the Story cartoon The Missing Chapter, there was a heading about Starfy called "Prince Starfy, Hero of the Galaxy".

Reading about Starfy in this newspaper made one Bunneran Soldier think it would be great if Bunston could meet up with Starfy and become friends, especially since 'they are probably around the same age' and Bunston's parents passed away.

Version Differences

In the Japanese version of Starfy 5, there are some minor changes to the physical Bunnera Times paper. Such as a subtitle that says "Prince Starfy" beside his picture instead of under it, and a lack of text in the first shot of the newspaper (though it is present in the second). Additionally, Starfy is not referred to as "The Hero of the Galaxy". Instead, the title of the newspaper reads "テンカイの王子 スタフィーだいかつやく!!", or "The Great Deeds/Exploits of Starfy, the Prince of Pufftop!!". There is also an important dialogue change, as the Bunneran Soldier says "There are still some wonderful places in the world" instead of "Prince Starfy, eh? He's all over the news again." This implies that this is the first they're hearing of Starfy, instead of the prince being a well known figure in Bunnera. Interestingly, in the Japanese version of the second shot of the newspaper, the word "せんじつ", meaning "a few days ago" can be seen. This implies that the events of this game occur mere days after truly defeating Dejeel in Starfy 4.

The first shot of The Bunnera Times in Japanese
The second shot of The Bunnera Times in Japanese


  • Interestingly, the reference to Starfy 4 is in tact in the English version of Starfy 5. The words "tyrant" (most likely referring to Dejeel) and "wedding" (mostly likely referring to Mattel and Coral's wedding in the true ending of the game) can be seen in the newspaper. This is surprising as many references (characters or otherwise) in the English script have largely been replaced (with a few notable exceptions like the The Pufftop Legends)

See also