Cloud shaped food

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Revision as of 13:20, 4 July 2015 by Torchickens (talk | contribs)
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Starfy knocking a cloud shaped ball out of its plant with a Star Spin
This article's title is a fan name.
An official name for the article's subject has not been found, so it uses a non-official name at Cloud shaped food. If you know an official name, please request the page to be moved at Category talk:Articles with conjectural names.

The cloud shaped objects are movable objects in The Legendary Starfy compared to cotton candy. They can be found in Skydye Heights where they can be knocked out of a plant with a Star Spin. They can be used to feed a Fluffy Unu, or the one Giant Clam. If Starfy or Starly get stuck in the plant, they must rapidly push the left and right buttons on the D-pad to wiggle free.