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Only in Japan!
This article is related to a game, manga series or other media that has not been released outside Japan. The coverage here may differ from what it would be in an official translation.
Japanese Name フナゾウ
Species Fish
Affiliates Resshi, Starfy
Location/Residence Resshi Lake, Jungle
First Appearance Densetsu no Starfy 2
Latest Appearance Densetsu no Starfy 3

Funazou is a fish that only appears in Densetsu no Starfy 2 and Densetsu no Starfy 3. He usually has a bored expression. He appears to be friends with Resshi. He carries a pallet with him wherever we goes, with his official art implying that it is for selling Manjuu outside of the shop he runs with his wife.

In Densetsu no Starfy 2, Funazou was attacked by two Sametto and Resshi emerged from the lake to help Funazou and frighten them away. Jiiyan gave him, along with a few others, beards.

When Funazou first met Starfy, he mistook him for the detective "Stalock Polmes" (Japanese: スタロック・ポームズ), which appears to be a play on the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes, and referred to him as "Detective" (Japanese: 先生). Funazou also refers to Moe as "Moeston" (Japanese: キョトスンさん/Kyotsun); which is likely a play on Sherlock Holmes' assistant Watson. Concerned about the recently absent Ressie, Funazou enlists “Detective Starlock” and “Moeston” to look for him. Calling the case “The Disappearance of Ressie” (レッシーしっそうじけん, lit. “The Case of Ressie’s Disappearance”). He didn’t initially join Starfy and Moe, as he had to attend to his Manjuu Shop that he runs alongside his wife. After finding a battered Ressie, Starfy, Moe, Funazou, and Ressie search for Ressie’s daughter who was kidnapped by Puchi Ogura #9 and Jiiyan.

During the search, Starfy finds the Mobile, which Funazou recognizes. He claims that it is a rare model that only girls could buy called the “Pearl Pink Seabream ♡ 808”. He further exclaims that the only people that there were only three models that were sold, and that Moon and Lovely had the other two. He says that he wanted it, as he is an avid phone fanatic, but couldn’t buy it as only girls could purchase it for a limited time.

Funazou continues to refer to Starfy as Starlock-sensei in Densetsu no Starfy 3. In which he travelled to Jungle in order to sell Jungle Manjuu, giving some to Starfy before he left. In post game, he seems to have not sold much, and considers going back home to his Manjuu Shop in Loch Ress.
