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Only in Japan!
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Japanese Name ドロシー, Doroshī
Species Mirage Fairy
Family Unknown
Affiliates Starfy, Starly, Moe
Homeland Flourishing Desert
Location/Residence Flourishing Desert
First Appearance Densetsu no Starfy 4
Latest Appearance Densetsu no Starfy 4

Dorocy is a mirage fairy (しんきろうのようせい) in Densetsu no Starfy 4. She first appears in Densetsu no Starfy 4 in Flourishing Desert as an undulating ice cream. Moe was going to eat it, until Dorocy tells him not to and reveals herself as a mirage. She transforms back into her normal form, but she cannot be seen, causing Moe to faint from fear thinking she's a ghost. Dorocy then explains that mirage fairies' true forms cannot be seen unless they apply Appearance Cream on their bodies, hence why she's invisible.

She then asks Starfy and Starly to bring her the Appearance Cream that she lost somewhere in Stage 6-1. After Starfy returns , Dorocy applies the cream and gives him the the Desert Hat Accessory as thanks for helping her. She says that now she can get back to helping lost travelers, mentioning someone saying that she helped someone talking about "being popular". Starly asks Dorocy if she knew where he went, but she doesn't, as the man thanklessly left as soon as she assisted him. She suggests asking Chiwan to see if his Magic Lamp might know the suspicious man's whereabouts.

Name Origin

  • Dorocy's name could be based on doron, onomatopoeia for something (usually a ghost) appearing suddenly, and see, as in 'see-through'. It also is the Japanese spelling of the name "Dorothy", ドロシー.