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Only in Japan!
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Japanese Name ブルダさま
Species Dog-like deity
Family Unknown
Affiliates Starfy, Starly, Moe, Burudad
Homeland Thousand Year Hill
Location/Residence Thousand Year Hill
First Appearance Densetsu no Starfy 4
Latest Appearance Densetsu no Starfy 4

Buruda-sama is a large, dog-like being that only appears in Densetsu no Starfy 4. They are the guardian deity of Thousand Year Hill. They, along with Burudad, teach Starly the Low Spin. They often hit Burudad in the head and shake him around (which in the post game is clarified as 'training'). They do not directly talk to Starfy, Starly, or Moe, but instead speak through Burudad by hitting him. Burudad asks Starly to find their Prayer Beads for him and Buruda-sama. As a reward, Buruda-sama and Burudad give Starfy, Starly and Moe the Zip Back Treasure.

Name origin

Buruda-sama most likely gets their name from bulldogs and the Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. The "-sama" honorific is used to denote respect, which in this case is likely used due to its status as a guardian deity.


  • Buruda-sama, like many old men in the series, uses the pronoun Washi in Japanese when talking through Burudad.
    • However, unlike the many old characters that use it, they do not have the honorific Jii (じい) or Jiisan じいさん) in their name.