Tobira Majin

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Only in Japan!
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Tobira Majin
Japanese Name とびらまじん
Species A door, with traits of cephalopods.
Homeland Unknown
Location/Residence Snake doors throughout every level in the Amy Kingdom
First Appearance Densetsu no Starfy 4
Latest Appearance Densetsu no Starfy 4

Tobira Majin [1] is a door in Densetsu no Starfy 4, with a large white mustache, two eyes, a mouth and an illustration of a health point imprinted on to his head. Unlike other characters in Densetsu no Starfy 4, he does not appear in the Picture Book. Most of the time he is sleeping. Tobira Majin can be found in snake doors hidden throughout every level, however he cannot be interacted with by Starfy or Starly before completion of the main story and defeating Dejeel at least once, because otherwise there is no option for Starfy or Starly to wake him up and talk to him. He appears to have traits of an octopus or a similar creature because behind the door hidden pink tentacles can be seen.

Tobira Majin gives out riddles for Starfy or Starly to solve such as "what do you put on top of a birthday cake to number the years?", which are only possible to solve provided they have the right answer card. The answer cards, amongst extra treasure chests and Heart Gems can be found when revisiting levels after completion of the main game. Occasionally, some of his riddles require two or three answer cards to solve such as "I want to tidy up the room. Bring me the three things I need to clean it." If Starfy or Starly give the right answer to one of his riddles, he will happily open up a secret area of the stage where Starfy or Starly can find more treasure, and sometimes hidden enemies, however if they give the wrong answer he will turn angry before falling back to the sleep again. If Starfy or Starly solve all of Tobira Majin's riddles, they get a chance to fight an even stronger version of Dejeel than just fighting Dejeel again without solving all the riddles.

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