Densetsu no Starfy

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Only in Japan!
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Densetsu no Starfy (Japanese: 伝説のスタフィー, literally Legendary Starfy or Legend of Starfy) is a Japan-only Game Boy Advance game released on September 6, 2002. It is the first game in The Legendary Starfy series.


Surrounded by the vast sea there is a kingdom high above the clouds called Pufftop. Living there is Starfy, the prince of Pufftop. Starfy is often careless and clumsy in nature. Times were normally peaceful in Pufftop, until Starfy was carrying around valuable treasure and he accidentally dropped a Jar into the ocean. Just then, the being inside the Jar used his magical powers to create a terrible storm. Tornadoes then struck the Pufftop Palace. Starfy struggled to hang on, and eventually dropped into the ocean showing his Done For pose. Starfy fell straight into Lobber's Cave, located on a small island.

A wise lobster, Old Man Lobber found Starfy in his cave and asked Starfy if he could hear him. After finding out that Starfy is OK, Old Man Lobber advises that Starfy should rest a while in his cave from the terrible storm. Old Man Lobber wonders what to do with Starfy, as he is too weak to return to Pufftop. Old Man Lobber mentions a friend of his, Herman and Starfy proceeds to find Herman.

Starfy finds Herman wearing an ordinary gray shell. He has lost his missing home; a conch shell called the Pretty Shell and Herman asks him to find it. After finding a Kettle, Herman, believing it may have been washed further, gives Starfy a key leading to another part of the level, where Starfy finds a tusk shell - the Dentalium Shell. After finding the tusk shell, Herman - who finds the shell too small - thinks that it is behind the rocks. He then teaches Starfy how to use the Star Spin attack. Later, Starfy finds the colorful conch shell and returns it to Herman. Herman is very grateful for Starfy and leads Starfy to the next stage, Coral Reef.

Herman asks Starfy to find his friend who is being chased by bad guys. One of the bad guys is seen swimming away, so Starfy follows him. Starfy advances to a room with two bad guys known as the Fork brothers. When Starfy finds them to be picking on a yellow clam, he defeats them with his Star Spin. The yellow clam is revealed to be Moe. He reveals that "his dearest" Ruby was kidnapped by a bad guy called Konk. It was then Fork and his brother chased after him. Starfy and Moe become good friends, and Moe joins Starfy on his quest back to Pufftop, offering advice. Later, after destroying the Dentalium Shell and the Kettle that were blocking the water from flowing, Starfy finds and defeats Konk. Ruby returns and Moe is much happy to see her again. Starfy and Moe advance to Stranded Whale.

Starfy and Moe decide to continue to help others on their way to Pufftop. Later in the quest, after Starfy and Moe clear the stage Sea of Ice, Starfy finds an unknown demonic eel who came from the Jar that Starfy knocked down before he fell into Lobber's Cave. He plans to submerge Starfy and Moe in the Deep Sea, and believes that the "strange clam" is unimportant and that Starfy is an annoyance.

Later on their adventure, Starfy advances to the Undersea Ruins. An ammonite called Horun then tries to attack Starfy and Moe. It is revealed that Horun was attacked by a huge creature resembling Starfy created by the demonic eel called Doppel. Horun tried to confront Doppel, but was let injured. Once Horun realizes who Starfy really is, he helps him and Moe find Pufftop.

Later, Starfy meets Old Man Lobber again, who asks Starfy if he can locate a legendary book called the Yogensho for him, which according to legend is said to be found in the temple. The two times that Starfy attempts to obtain the book, it disappears and he is blown away by the demonic eel. Old Man Lobber asks Starfy if he found the Yogensho, to which Starfy explains what happened. When Old Man Lobber says that Moe has gone missing, the demonic eel appears again and blows both Starfy and Old Man Lobber away.

When Starfy reunites with Old Man Lobber, he asks if Starfy arrived safely and if he can look for Moe. Moe has been kidnapped by a clam-eating squirrel known as Rarako. When Starfy finds Rarako, Rarako thanks him for his 'food' and gives Starfy what he was looking for — the Yogensho. Moe eventually escapes and Old Man Lobber finally gets to read the book. Moe is excited regarding the legends of the Yogensho, though it seems that he spoke too soon as the demonic eel appears to blow Starfy, Moe and Old Man Lobber away.

Starfy and Moe are taken away to the boss room with Doppel. The demonic eel brings Doppel to his full power and vanishes. After Starfy defeats Doppel, the demonic eel leaves behind the Jar that Starfy dropped from Pufftop Palace and the Yogensho. Starfy, Moe and Old Man Lobber advance to the Sea of Sky that leads to Pufftop and Old Man Lobber begins to read the Yogensho. The Yogensho reveals that the demonic eel's name is Ogura. It prophesied correctly that a large storm never seen before would hit the sea and the demon Ogura would go on a rampage until a hero appears to hunt down Ogura's minions one after the other.

Ogura leaves three bosses for Starfy to battle before he advances to Pufftop. Starfy, Moe and Old Man Lobber's main objective now is to defeat Ogura and bring peace back to Pufftop.



Main article: Densetsu no Starfy/Credits

Follow the link above for the Staff Credits in Densetsu no Starfy.


  • This is the only Starfy game where Starfy starts with Glide and doesn't have to learn it to use it.
  • This game, along with The Legendary Starfy are the only games that don't have Moe's House as a feature, but instead just a simple menu thing that is like the Moe's House feature.
  • This game, along with Densetsu no Starfy 4, have the least amount of stages in the Starfy series with 9 stages.
  • This is the only Starfy game that doesn't have Air Jump, Duck, Duck & Slide, and Shooting Star.
  • Fukafuka is the only character Starfy can't meet until completion of the game.
  • This is the only Starfy game where Starfy doesn't keep his own Pearls but instead stores them in Moe.
    • This is also the only Starfy game without a shop.
  • This is the only Starfy game where when comboing enemies there is no interlude between Starfy gaining one Pearls and Starfy gaining one big Pearl. In the other Starfy games, Starfy or Starly would gain two pearls right away after comboing for the second Pearl.
  • In this game Starfy's sprite looks a little different than in the other Starfy games of the Game Boy Advance, and it is the only Starfy game where the dizziness sound effect and the low health sound effect are completely different than in the other Starfy games.
  • This is the only Starfy game to not have costumes.
  • This game, along with Densetsu no Starfy 4, are the only ones to not have upgrades for the transformations.
  • There is a small glitch in this game, similar to one in The Legendary Starfy where Starfy can attack straight through some one hit enemies without the rebound pushback effect that he gets for attacking enemies.
  • The Duck & Slide ability is replaced with a function that allows Starfy to instantly stop running.
  • This is the only game where Starfy doesn't need the Ultra Star Spin to beat the game.
  • This is the only game where Starfy doesn't need any of the transformations to beat the game the first time.
  • It is the only Starfy game in the series that was originally made for the Game Boy and later the Game Boy Color rather than the Game Boy Advance.
  • There is a glitch in this game that allows Starfy to take control of the attract mode and skip to any stage from the second stage, though it is impossible to complete the Picture Book this way.