The Legendary Starfy/Toys: Difference between revisions

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|I thought these birds were cool, but then they attacked with no warning! <br/> Pingoons love the art of suprise. Be sure to stay on your frozen toes!
|I thought these birds were cool, but then they attacked with no warning! <br/> Pingoons love the art of surprise. Be sure to stay on your frozen toes!
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|[[Jaw Box]]
|[[Jaw Box]]
|It's a treasure chest, right? Spin it and get a sharp-toothed suprise! <br/> How badly do you want that treasure? Bad enough to lose one of your 5 arms?  
|It's a treasure chest, right? Spin it and get a sharp-toothed surprise! <br/> How badly do you want that treasure? Bad enough to lose one of your 5 arms?  

Revision as of 13:26, 29 July 2011

The following is a list of all 127 toys in The Legendary Starfy. A random toy can be bought for 5 pearls in Moe's Suitcase after defeating Mashtooth.

Gluglug Lagoon

Name Toy description Type
001 Unu OK, sure, it may not look like much, but don't let your guard down.
The fearsome Unu will charge when approached! Ooooh! You're not scared?
002 Wahi Wahi If you watch this fish for too long, you might get a little seasick.
This fish loves to swim in figure eights. Cool, but not as cool as swimming in stars!
003 Seawee Look out when these guys jump. That's when their algae hair expands!
Seawees are mostly hair. Underneath all that, they're scrawny.
004 Tuft Guy Y'know what? It's guys like these that give clams a bad name!
This Tuft Guy thinks he's a tough guy! He should be thinking about a haircut!
005 Swerl Swerl loves to jump and stick, stick and jump! See that ball on the top of his head?
These guys run around with paste stuck to their heads! Nobody knows why...
006 Whamster I'm too scary for these guys. When they see me, they try to fly for it!
Whamsters move fast, but not far! Time to cut down on the Whamster junk food!
007 Goblup I think Goblups actually LIKE when Starfy hits 'em with his Star Spin!
Goblup stores Coddies in his tummy. Wonder what else he's got in there?
008 Coddie Herman likes to keep these guys as pets. They're neat, sleek, 'n' super chic!
When these guys get together, they make for one cool school.
009 Big Squiddy GYYAHH! Ahem... Heheh, sorry. Some people would find Big Squiddy scary.
When I first saw this guy, I thought, "Eh, no big deal." What? No it's true!

Hotcha Springs

Name Toy description Type
010 Fwip These guys can repel a Star Spin, so watch it when they dart around.
With such sleepy eyes, you'd think this little fish would dart slower.
011 Octopult Octopults will try to blind you with a spray of inky black pellets!
Nice try, but even wearing a helmet won't save you from Starfy's Star Spin!
012 Nogo Swim at these guys full speed and you'll be sent bouncing back.
Don't believe me? If you attack a Nogo, guess what? You're gonna go nowhere.
013 Glunk He may look adorable, but when he jumps, he can pack quite the wallop.
This little guy wears a slimy smile in slimy style. (Say that 5 times fast!)
014 Cactot Cactot likes to shake, rattle, and throw his spiky needles at enemies!
Try to get him to shoot his needles so you can watch him dance!
015 Splatch He starts off peeking out of his hole, but this jittery guy can stretch a mile high.
Do you think he has to warm up or stretch out... before he stretches out?
016 Hot-Spring Snapper The fireballs that shoot from his volcano spell HOT! HOT! HOT!
This guy sure has a knack for running the tourists out of Hotcha Springs!

Chillydip Cove

Name Toy description Type
017 Taddletog You don't want to see this face come speeding toward you.
A Taddletog? Who would give their kids these names?!
018 Bobfin These guys just love to mirror your every move. It's tough to shake them.
Bobfin bobs up with you, Bobfin bobs down with you. Bobfin is a total copyfish!
019 Choby These guys gather up steam to push them along the icy floor.
This little slimer tastes better than he looks. Try him out on a pizza!
020 Pingoon I thought these birds were cool, but then they attacked with no warning!
Pingoons love the art of surprise. Be sure to stay on your frozen toes!
021 Seagulp These guys love starfish... as food! Can you believe that? Gross!
This big-mouthed bird is always looking to swoop down for a quick Starfy gulp!
022 Kappy These critters might look cute, but they shoot beams from their heads!
I guess if I could shoot beams from a plate, I'd wear it on my head, too...
023 Pingling These are everywhere in Chillydip Cove! Their favorite weapon is a snowball.
Pinglings serve King Ping. But don't tell them that-- they're very independent.
024 Mini Ping Piplion said they're usually nice to strangers, but I don't know... I don't believe it!
Always on the snack attack, these little birdies keep Puplion awake at night!
025 King Ping The big boss of Chillydip Cove. By "big," I mean "Take a look at the size of the guy!"
King Ping is a demanding boss. He never even gives his workers a snow day off!

Sogwood Forest

Name Toy description Type
026 Guppo Guppo is usually nocturnal, but he'll try to rush you all the same, so look out!
It's not too hard to fly by this sleepy fish. Or I guess it could be if you're sleepy, too!
027 Grippit This googly-eyed frog will definitely try to get you in a tongue twister.
Shurikit is still licking her wounds from the tongue-lashing she got!
028 Madcap An excitable baddie who spurts clouds of smoke and darts around.
Madcap is crazy, zany, and, well...madcap. What else can I tell ya? Sheesh!
029 Skiffler This beautiful, lightweight fellow can skate on the surface of the water.
I tried to skim the surface of the water once too, but it didn't quite work out...
030 Hopalop Ever seen these on the attack? They've got ♥ comin' out their ears!
Hopalop is the cutest baddie you will ever see. Don't get distracted! Ah! Too cute!
031 Red Malicious These guys can toss their apples from afar or run up for a close attack.
Either way, those apples aren't delicious, they're poisonous! Big difference!
032 Fleanut Don't rush in when you run into this trickster. Watch and wait to see what happens.
Trust me: you need to keep a close eye on this shifty shape-shifter!
033 Zunbie If a Zunbie gobbles another Zunbie, it becomes...eugh! Can't think about it!
This guy gives everyone the willies... Something about the eyes, eek!
034 Capfish Word is this guy's just a Coddie with a mushroom growing out of his head.
These fish have tons of names. At least they come when you call them!
035 Mushrew These guys love to drive Old Man Vern absolutely bonkers!
These little guys pop up every now and then to taunt with full mushroom cheeks!
036 Papes Papes has a big mouth that always gets him into trouble!
Lucky for him he's got a shield that's as big as his yapper!

Glitzem Grotto

Name Toy description Type
037 Kweenie She has two attacks: a sparkling whirlwind and a diving attack.
This diva thinks she's queen of the sea. I guess beauty is in the fish eye of the beholder.
038 Clamstack This guy drops from the ceiling after a few seconds... So look out below!
The leader is on the bottom. But don't look too closely; the enforcer's on the top!
039 Patrol Crab Patrol Crab will stumble along slowly, but if he hits his light, look out!
You don't want to get in trouble with the long claw of the law.
040 Mopple Whether it's jumping or rolling around, Mopples are always on the move!
They move on tiny bristles that clean everywhere! Maybe they will clean your room...
041 Mombat It looks like she's just hanging out all by her lonesome.
Mombat has her baby bats to back her up. Eugh! Baby bats give me the creeps!
042 Spinebelly Meet Spinebelly. He's got a nasty little habit of shooting spines from his mouth.
Two questions: Where does he keep them all? And...oh no, that's my only question.
043 Wiggyback Once you see Wiggyback pop up, it might throw you off for a second.
This tag team's spin move is no match for the Starfy and Moe combo, though!
044 Ronk For such a big lug, Ronk is pretty quick.
Not the smartest baddie around, but his heart is as big as his fists!

Skydye Heights

Name Toy description Type
045 Jellysquish Squish, squash, squish, squash, squish, squash...
I bet you can figure out how Jellysquish got its name!
046 Snark Snark is always prowling his territory giving intruders the evil eye.
Who has the meanest glare: Spinebelly or Snark? Or me? How's this look?
047 Slamclam Don't let Starfy get caught by this guy's licking uppercut!!
Look closely when Slamclam whips out his tongue! Do you see anything?
048 Hovercrab First jumping, now spinning... Look out! Anything happen? My shell was closed.
This bubbly crab has the longest legs in the kingdom of Pufftop!
049 Q-pid Don't let the cute looks fool you. If she gets you in her sights, you're in trouble!
These good-natured pranksters deliver mischief all over Pufftop.
050 Scorpebble This enemy sits as still as a rock, biding its time for a chance to strike.
Where's this guy been, under a rock? Ahahah! Ah...heh... that one was good.
051 Snoin With an ancient coin for a shell, this Snoin is never broke!
Wait 'til this guy hurls the rocks on his back at you, then let him have it!
052 Puffy Chub The bounciest fish in the sea. Go ahead, knock him around. He doesn't mind.
If you ever lose your ball, pick up a Puffy Chub instead!
053 Fluffy Unu Cotton candy, YES! Oh, no, wait... I'm not making that mistake again!
You are what you eat. Can you guess what the Fluffy Unu's favorite food is?
054 Huffinfluff All it takes is the sound of a bell for this guy to let loose some fierce winds.
This jaunty fellow can help Starfy soar to new heights!
055 Stangler A pesky creature who zooms in on his target, buzzing with electricity.
You could use this piece of seafood to power your entire house!
056 Lurchin Lurchin like to shoot their spines and then just hang out like nothin' happened!
Mean, spiky and always in a bad mood. Lighten up, sunshine! Sheesh.
057 Liftwisp If you're quiet around these guys, you won't have to hear their battle cry.
If Moe could just keep his shell shut, then-- HEY! Wait a second. Who wrote this script?!
058 Snips Snips is the leader of the trio chasing Bunston. Everything goes through her!
She drops more bombs than a bad stand up comedian!


Name Toy description Type
059 Sand Snark A creature so tough, not even Starfy's Star Spin can damage him!
Best to steer clear whenever you see this powerful beast!
060 Helmet Crab Ye olde Helmet Crab still lives (and hides!) in the dark ages...
I never trust something that has shifty eyes peering out of a small opening.
061 Calaminer In the dark ocean depths, this squid's headlight is the envy of the undersea world.
Don't get mesmerized by Calaminer's rainbow glow!
062 Skullpin Skullpins are huge! And slow. But without the skull, they can really move!
This magic skull would do anything to get ahead! Get it?! "Head?" Ah, never mind.
063 Woktopus Watch out for this guy's fireballs! They can make tall, flaming pillars!
Stronger than Octopult, Woktopus also makes for a delicious meal!
064 Skelefin When this lumbering lug sees Starfy, he stubbornly gives chase...
Skelefin could use a little meat on its bones, but don't you end up as bony fish food!
065 Madsac Madsac keeps its eggs warm until they're ready to hatch.
When Starfy passes beneath him, this enemy drops down and attacks!
066 Bullygoat Be careful if you run into this guy. He's quite a powerful foe!
This fearsome beast loves to drop explosive mines on you and yours.
067 Indigobo These spirits wander sunken ships searching for the souls of sailors... And starfish.
Don't just site there, or you'll get gotten! Running away is your best bet!
068 Jaw Box It's a treasure chest, right? Spin it and get a sharp-toothed surprise!
How badly do you want that treasure? Bad enough to lose one of your 5 arms?
069 Mega Snark If you see him, hide! Unless you WANT to get gobbled up, of course... Hm...
I wonder what would happen if you did let yourself get swallowed up...
070 The Terrible Trio A combined attack by Ronk, Papes, and Snips can be pretty tough to handle!
Ronk is rock, Papes is paper, Snips is scissors! That's too obvious! Sheesh!

Planet Bunnera

Name Toy description Type
071 Trappa If this guy follows you... Let's see... Yeah, run. That's my best advice.
If Trappa catches Starfy, it's right back to the beginning for our hero!
072 Pajammer Pajammers spray a jet of bubbles at those who come too close.
Those aren't striped boxer shorts; those are his legs! Ha!
073 Rock Punk These guys dive beneath the waves, waiting to pounce on those who come by.
Pufftop, are you ready to ROCK?! Hello? No? Anyone?
074 Daffodile This isn't Starfy, so be careful! It'll try to gobble you up. Really!
Don't get pulled in by its starry eyes and good looks!
075 Stickler This erratic enemy jumps about and stalks Starfy constantly.
This bird can't fly. He's pretty grumpy about that. Can ya blame him?
076 Land Swabbie This is one of the land-lubbin' pirates! Watch out for his jump attack!
This crew member for Mashtooth's pirates works best on solid ground.
077 Sky Swabbie This is one of the high-flyin' pirates! He's mastered the midair attack.
This crew member always wanted to be a dancer.
078 Space Swabbie This is one of the space-floatin' pirates! I hope his jet pack malfunctions!
This crew member is a real space cadet!
079 Mashtooth It's Mashtooth himself! Famed for his lightning and charge attacks.
Even his nostrils are scary! Um... I think I hear my mollusk calling. Gotta go, bye!
080 Mega Mashtooth This is Mashtooth after he's drained Prince Bunston of all his power!
When Mashtooth takes Bunston's energy, the reuslt is Mega terrifying!


Name Toy description Type
081 Yomper Swims around, and just when you think you're safe, he heads right for you.
Yompers have a habit of chomping on anything star shaped.
082 Blinkfin This enemy darts back and forth, doing his best to get in your way.
Red eyes, robotic movement... I think Blinkfin could use a few more ZZZs at night.
083 Astro Bagger Unleashes a flying attack, or he can open his bag and shoot somethin' out!
Is there someone hiding inside that bag of stars? You see peeking eyes?
084 Pearl Sprite Spin, spin, spin, and you'll hit, hit, hit the pearl jackpot!
Get to know the Pearl Sprite, and she'll give you pearls! That means more toys!
085 Sea Swabbie This is a sea-swimmin' pirate! I wonder how much oxygen he's got left...
This pirate loves the smell of seaweed in the morning.
086 Konk Not only does he jump, but he also attacks using his precious KONK! shell.
This guy KONK! has a strange KONK! speech pattern KONK! Oh no, it's KONKtagious!


Name Toy description Type
087 Bellybird This rotund enemy must use every ounce of his strength to stay afloat.
Have you seen the size of this flapping thing? I don't know how it even gets around!
088 Flunder Don't be fooled by the fluff. This guy wants to rain on your parade!
If you keep a close eye on this guy's face, you can tell when he's going to attack!
089 Nubble See him slinking slowly on the ground... Not much going on, eh?
This guy looks calm, but inside lies the rage of something slightly less calm!
090 Fidofin Face of a dog. Body of a fish. Where's your camera?! Quick!
This prowler swims about, unexpectedly lunging at his prey with a howl!
091 Chumbrella If you get too close to this guy, you'll see his flap pop open!
This guy could do double duty as an umbrella!
092 Hot Fludge At first, Starfy wanted to gobble this guy up. Good thing I stopped him!
That pile of pudding on its back is actually the world's most delicious-looking shell!
093 Smashcan This enemy hides in an oil drum and throws rocks at passersby!
Whenever he gets too big for his can, it's on to the next one!
094 Pizzap This shocking enemy is surrounded by crackling electricity. High voltage!
If we could harness the energy surrounding this guy, we could power a small city with it.
095 Master Lobber Have you discovered the golden version of Old Man Lobber?
He used to be a fighting master. Now Old Man Lobber offers wisdom to all of us!


Name Toy description Type
096 Starfy It's everybody's favorite lovable, clumsy prince of Pufftop!
Not many people know Starfy collects sunglasses. Have you seen him wearing 'em?
097 Starly It's Starfy's boisterous and bubbly younger sister! Gotta love that bow!
Starly isn't naturally a fighter, she's more of--no, actually she's a fighter!
098 Moe Loyal, strong, and stunningly handsome! It's the clam with the plan, Moe!
Call me the pride of Pufftop! Heheh... Don't tell Starfy that I said that, OK?
099 Bunston We all know the Bunneran prince who came crashing into Starfy's life: Bunston!
Bunston has been learning a lot from traveling with me! I've taken him under my shell.
100 Moe's Family Yay! It's my dear old family! One look at our shells and you see we're related!
They've been doing all the chores at home while I've been gone. Right, guys?!
101 Mini G How many minichallenges have you discovered inside the treasure chests?
When you discover Mini G's Challenge, be sure to check him out often!
102 Mermaid A lovely mermaid who records your adventures and has lots of helpful hints!
If you ever need a quick save, you know where to go!
103 Herman This easygoing guy has plenty of hobbies to keep him busy in Gluglug Lagoon.
But always the striped shell! How about a new pattern? How about paisley?
104 Kit Fish Hey! It's one of my favorite Gluglug residents. Say "Hi" to Kit Fish!
She's been learning a lot about wrestling! Someday she'll manage her dad, Fat Cat.
105 Fat Cat If you ever need to find Fat Cat, he's usually in Gluglug Lagoon with Kit Fish.
He's been doing a lot of sumo training lately. But does he need it?
106 Fork Fork thinks he's Starfy's rival. Don't tell him that there's no contest.
No matter how good a swimmer he may be, he can't hope to ever beat Starfy!
107 Old Man Lobber Old Man Lobber sure takes his sweet time soaking in the Hotcha Springs.
A wise old guy, and he also loves taking baths. Think he's turnin' a little red?
108 Bawss It took courage for Bawss to stand up to Hot-Spring Snapper!
Manager of the Squirts, he's not afraid to take on anyone who messes with his crew!
109 Squirt #1 This is probably the only Squirt that you can get to keep quiet now and then.
This guy is always eating and sleeping. Hm...kind of reminds me of Starfy! Ha!
110 Squirt #2 This Squirt always got booed off stage. His jokes were over everyone's heads.
He's definitely the smartest of the Squirts. But that's not saying much...
111 Squirt #3 This Squirt is always showing up late to gigs. Bawss doesn't like that too much.
He's always sick, too. This is the second in command? Really?
112 Squirt #4 When you're in Hotcha Springs, it's more than likely you'll run into the Squirts!
This Squirt tries a little too hard to talk a little too rough. It's usually pretty funny.
113 Squirt #5 This Squirt always has this strange little frown on his face...
Maybe he'd smile if he told better jokes!
114 Jellato Sisters The Jellato sisters are so cute! But how can anyone tell them apart?!
Starfy helped these sisters when they were stuck in the current. What a guy!
115 Piplion This dependable young lady can always be found in Chillydip Cove.
Piplion met the Squirts in a cooking class! Ya believe that?!
116 Puplion This sea lion can't stand to be without his snacks for even a moment.
Puplion's interests include cookies, chocolate, cake, chips, yep... That's about it!
117 Old Man Vern It's the old man of Sogwood Forest! Nobody knows more about the forest.
Old Man Vern hangs out with Old Man Lobber. What do you think they do for fun?
118 Shurikit Remember when Shurikit helped us take on the bad guys in Sogwood Forest?
I can't believe she calls Starfy "Master"! Hahaha! Don't tell Starf I laughed, OK?
119 Kittana Kittana is one of the best martial-arts students in Glitzem Grotto.
Kittana has been waiting to face Shurikit. Why are cat ninjas so competitive?
120 Ruby It's the kindest, and most beautiful, resident of Skydye Heights: Ruby!
When Ruby was captured, I was gonna take Mashtooth on all by myself... maybe.
121 Herbert Herbert's dream is to become a legendary hero in Skydye Heights!
Lately he's been getting good at juggling soccer balls. Well... it's a start!
122 Bilge Monkeys The Bilge Monkeys hang out in the S.S. Logwater. Nice bandanas, guys! Heh.
They came to the sunken ship searching for treasure, but did they find anything?
123 Modo Modo is a genius when it comes to fixing trains. Oh, and barbecues, too!
When Modo blows, man, Cosmic Express goes! It's an amazing thing to see.
124 Junior Junior is a genius when it comes to facts! When it comes to real life... Not so much.
If it breaks on the train, Junior can help you. As long as he's got the right books.
125 Pufftop Guard Pufftop's finest... Or at least, most available!
Since things are pretty peaceful in Pufftop, they don't train too hard...
126 Globerto Globerto has explored nearly every part of the world! He loves to travel!
Business for Globerto's maps is good! Lots of lost people out there.
127 Bunneran Soldier The Bunneran guard is part of the elite guard that keeps Bunnera safe from harm.
The soldiers that were injured in Mashtooth's attack have all been healed!