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This article is a list of terminology relevant to The Legendary Starfy series in alphabetical order.
Characters have been included, but only those that are the most important to the gameplay and plot.
- Abilities (Japanese: アクション, Actions) - Starfy and Starly's available actions, such as Swimming and Jumping.
- Accessories (Japanese: アクセサリー) - The Japanese name for the Extras category in the Stuff.
- Amiy Kingdom (Japanese: アミー王国) - A "distant kingdom" where Mattel and Prince Coral live that was under attack by Degil, who stole the Monamool Stone.
- Area (Japanese: エリア) - Individual levels in The Legendary Starfy series, found in Stages.
- Area Select screen (Japanese: エリアセレクト画面) - The screen where the player can select Areas in Densetsu no Starfy 2.
- Attack power (a fan-given name that may not be the official term). The amount of damage enemies or obstacles deal in Densetsu no Starfy 4. The damage may vary depending on how the enemy damaged the player. It can be a definite number, or in the case of Shinigami or Degil's swallow and spit out attack, half the player's health points. Prior to Densetsu no Starfy 4, damaging enemies can only deal one heart's worth of damage.
- Beta - A game that is feature complete but is not a release candidate. It is sometimes used inaccurately as a blanket term for prerelease information.
- Big Pearls - Large Pearls worth five regular Pearls. They restore one heart in the Game Boy Advance games and The Legendary Starfy or five health points in Densetsu no Starfy 4.
- Blue Treasure Chest - Treasure Chests that contain music in Densetsu no Starfy 4 and Heart Gems in The Legendary Starfy.
- Bosses - (Japanese: ボス) - A special type of enemy in The Legendary Starfy series that can only be found through a boss door. They are normally found in the last ordinary Area, or the end of a Stage, though in Densetsu no Starfy, Sea of Sky has three bosses that Starfy must defeat before advancing to Pufftop.
- Boss Door - A door with an icon of a skull above it that leads to a Boss.
- Bugs - Specific problems in the game's programming that allow faults to happen. See also: Glitch.
- Bunnerans - A species of rabbit from Planet Bunnera, who use the power of natural energy to transform and use their powers to help with everyday tasks.
- Bunston's Collection (Japanese: ランパのあつめもの, Rampa's Collected Objects) - A Touch Screen feature in The Legendary Starfy that shows how many Shards have been collected, Bunston's available powers and how many Heart Gems are collected (displays up to three at a time; momentarily for a third).
- Bunston's Powers - Transformations Starfy and Bunston can undergo by morphing with each other, usually with the help of a Transforming Stone.
- Characters (Japanese: キャラクター) - A blanket term in The Legendary Starfy series referring to Enemies, Bosses and Friends that Starfy and Starly encounter on their adventures, or Starfy and Starly themselves.
- City (Japanese: シティ) - Map screens where the player can select Areas in Densetsu no Starfy 4.
- Clothes (Japanese: くるもの) - A category of Stuff. Clothes are basic items that Starfy and Starly can wear.
- Collection (Japanese: あつめもの, Collected Objects) - A copy of the Touch Screen feature Bunston's Collection in The Legendary Starfy found in Moe's Case that doesn't show Heart Gems but does show a short message on the top screen relating to the latest Shard found or the story.
- Colored Stars - Different colored star-like characters who appear in minigames in Densetsu no Starfy 3 and The Legendary Starfy.
- Concept art - Artwork by the game developers depicting how characters, objects and other things should look in the game when it is developed. Densetsu no Starfy 4's Staff Roll 2 appears to show some concept art.
- Credits - Alternative name for Staff Credits.
- Crystal Shards - An alternative name for Shards.
- Daīru Pirate Squad (Japanese: ダイール 海賊団) - a group of space pirates who serve under Mashtooth in The Legendary Starfy.
- Debug menu - A menu in a computer program such as video games that allows the player to manipulate the program internal state. A debug menu is found in the code of Densetsu no Starfy and a debug menu was reportedly included in the Densetsu no Starfy (GBC) trial demo at Nintendo Space World 2000.
- Degil (Japanese: デジール) - A snake like creature who is the main antagonist of Densetsu no Starfy 4.
- Doors (Japanese: トビラ) - Doors that Starfy and Starly can enter. They can be entered by pressing the X button in the Nintendo DS games, or up on the d-pad in the Game Boy Advance games. There are two special types of doors, Boss Doors and Side Quest doors.
- Enemies (Japanese: 敵) - Characters in The Legendary Starfy series that usually come in Starfy and Starly way on their quest and can damage them.
- Ending (Japanese: エンディング) - Three cutscenes in The Legendary Starfy series that are, as the name implies, the endings. The Endings reflect how much the game is complete, except in The Legendary Starfy that features an alternative Ending and an epilogue. In the first four games the Endings are known as Ending 1, Ending 2, and Ending 3. They can be found on the Extra! feature and in Moe's House. In The Legendary Starfy they are known as Starfy's Ending (Japanese: エンディング1 (スタフィー), Ending 1 (Starfy)), Starly's Ending (Japanese: エンディング1 (スタピー), Ending 1 (Starly)) and The Missing Chapter (Japanese: エンディング2, Ending 2).
- Evil (Japanese: イーブル) - The main antagonist of Densetsu no Starfy 3, who is Ogura's 'personage' and has asked Ogura to conquer Pufftop since he was young.
- Evil Crystals (Japanese: エビルクリスタ) - Octagonal red crystals in Densetsu no Starfy 3 that must be gathered together to truly defeat Evil and obtain the best Ending and unlock Staff Roll 2.
- Extra! (Japanese: おまけ!), known on the Stage Select as Extra (Japanese: おまけ) - A menu in Densetsu no Starfy accessed from the List which is only available after beating the game.
- Extras (Japanese: アクセサリー) - A category of Stuff. Extras are items that are wearable/holdable, but do not cover the body.
- File Select (Japanese: ファイルセレクト) - The menu in The Legendary Starfy series, accessible from the Title Screen, where the player can choose a save file.
- Friends (Japanese: なかま) - A category in the Toys (Japanese: ずかん, Picture Book) feature in Densetsu no Starfy 4 and The Legendary Starfy that lists most of Starfy's friends and acquaintances, as well as Starfy and Starly themselves.
- Game Boy (Japanese: ゲームボーイ) - A handheld console created by Nintendo that was released in 1989 in Japan and North America and 1990 in Europe. It plays games in black and white using a dot-matrix system. The game that became Densetsu no Starfy was once in development for the Game Boy. There is a Treasure Item in Densetsu no Starfy based on a yellow Game Boy or Game Boy Color.
- Game Boy Color (Japanese: (ゲームボーイカラー) - An upgraded version of the Game Boy created by Nintendo that was released in 1998. It plays games in color. Densetsu no Starfy was once intended to be released for the Game Boy Color (see this article for more information).
- Game Boy Advance (Japanese: ゲームボーイアドバンス) - A 32-bit handheld console created by Nintendo and released in 2001. It plays both Game Boy Advance games and Game Boy/Color games, but not Game Boy Color exclusive games that took advantage of the Game Boy Color's infrared features. There were three The Legendary Starfy series games released for the Game Boy Advance.
- Game Boy Advance SP (Japanese: ゲームボーイアドバンスSP) - An upgraded version of the Game Boy Advance released in 2003. It can play the same games as the Game Boy Advance. It has a brighter screen and has a 'clam shell' design where the screen is attached to a hinge on the section where the controls are.
- Game Boy Micro (Japanese: ゲームボーイミクロ) - The last system in the Game Boy line, released in 2005. It is a long, miniature version of the Game Boy Advance. It can play Game Boy Advance games but cannot play Game Boy/Color games.
- Game Boy Player - A Nintendo GameCube peripheral that can play Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance games, including the first three games in the The Legendary Starfy series.
- Game Over (Japanese: ゲームオーバー) - The menu that appears when Starfy or Starly lose all hearts or health points in the The Legendary Starfy series.
- Glitch - Anomalies in software programs, such as video games.
- Health (Japanese: 元気) - An attribute controlling Starfy and Starly's health. It is normally reduced after making contact with an enemy or obstacle. If Starfy or Starly loses all of his/her health, they typically become Done For, and the player will receive a Game Over.
- Hearts (fan-name) - A health unit in the Game Boy Advance games and The Legendary Starfy. They are hearts which determine how much damage Starfy or Starly can withstand. Starfy and Starly start with five red hearts. When Starfy or Starly are hit by an enemy, they lose one heart and when all hearts are lost, Starfy or Starly perform their 'Done For' pose and fall through the bottom of the screen, causing a Game Over. In The Legendary Starfy, Heart Gems can be collected to add an extra heart when three are collected. Three yellow hearts are used for Starfy in the Paper-Cut Crusher Battle.
- Heart Gems (Japanese: コンペイトウ, Konpeitou) - Special treasures that Starfy or Starly can collect to gain more health. In Densetsu no Starfy 4, collecting a Heart Gem adds ten heart points, while in The Legendary Starfy, three are required to add one heart at a time.
- Heart points (fan-name) - A health system used in Densetsu no Starfy 4. Starfy and Starly start with 50 heart points, but collecting a total of 20 Heart Gems allows for a maximum HP value of 250 health points.
- Hint (Japanese: ヒント) - A feature in the Game Boy Advance games and Densetsu no Starfy 4, in which various advice is offered for playing the game. A similar feature is included in The Legendary Starfy called Mermaid Gossip, which has the Japanese name Mermaid Hints (Japanese: マーメイドヒント)
- Internal names - The names of characters and enemies as seen in the internal filenames of extracted ROMs of the Nintendo DS games.
- Jojiro's Shop (Japanese: ジョージローのおみせ) - The Shop in Densetsu no Starfy 3, run by Jojiro.
- Kisekae (Japanese: 着せかえ) - An alternative term for Stuff, which is short for "kisekae ningyou", meaning "dress-up dolls".
- Lap (Japanese: 周目) - A term used in the Nintendo Official Guidebooks that is used to indicate whether something requires the player to beat the game or not. 2周目 means 'after beating the game', while 1周目 means 'before beating the game'.
- List (Japanese: リスト) - A menu in Densetsu no Starfy that is available from the Stage Select by pressing the select button.
- Lobber's Logbook (Japanese: ロブじいさんのきろく, Rob-jiisan's Records) - A Touch Screen feature in The Legendary Starfy that shows various records.
- Lovely's Shop (Japanese: ラブリーのおみせ) - The Shop in Densetsu no Starfy 2, run by Lovely.
- Manianko's Shop (Japanese: マニアンコウのおみせ) - The Shop in Densetsu no Starfy 4, run by Maniankou.
- Map (Japanese: ちず or マップ) - Map has several meanings. It may refer to the Map item from Densetsu no Starfy 4 that marks the way to Degil's Castle, the Treasure Map from Densetsu no Starfy 2 that enables the Stage Select screen, or the Map screen from Densetsu no Starfy 2 and The Legendary Starfy. Additionally, individual rooms in games in The Legendary Starfy series are referred to as maps in the Nintendo Official Guidebooks.
- Mashtooth (Japanese: Daīru (or ostensibly Dire)[1]), ダイール) - The main antagonist of The Legendary Starfy.
- Mega Mashtooth (Japanese: Strongest Daīru, さいきょうダイール) - The second form of Mashtooth in the boss battle with Mashtooth in Planet Bunnera (Stage 8-4).
- Mermaid (Japanese: マーメイド) - The mermaid in The Legendary Starfy series that allows the player to save the game at her shell.
- Mermaid Gossip (Japanese: マーメイドヒント, Mermaid Hints) - A Touch Screen feature in The Legendary Starfy similar to the Hint feature from previous games where the Mermaid offers the player advice.
- Minigames (Japanese: ミニゲーム) - Miniature games in every The Legendary Starfy series game except Densetsu no Starfy 4 if Spring of Love doesn't count.
- Moe (Japanese: キョロスケ) - Starfy's best friend; a clam who has joined Starfy and Starly on their adventures since Starfy met him in Coral Reef in Densetsu no Starfy.
- Moe's Case (Japanese: キョロスケさまのカバン, Kyorosuke-sama's Briefcase) - An option in The Legendary Starfy where the player can choose other options. It is a briefcase owned by Moe.
- Moe's House (Japanese: キョロスケさまのいえ, Kyorosuke-sama's House) - Moe's house, available in the first four games in The Legendary Starfy series. It holds a number of options like Moe's Case from The Legendary Starfy and the Extra! option from Densetsu no Starfy.
- Moe's Sniffer (Japanese: キョロスケのレーダー, Kyorosuke's Radar) - A Touch Screen feature in The Legendary Starfy that helps the player find important things and also displays how many Pearls and Treasure the player has.
- Mon Amour Stone (Japanese: モナムールストーン) - A large heart shaped stone in Amiy Palace belonging to the Amiy Kingdom. It is a mystical stone with special powers that was passed down in care as a protector of the Amiy Kingdom but it was stolen by Degil.
- Nintendo (Japanese: 任天堂株式会社) - A multinational video game company that publishes games in The Legendary Starfy series and helps direct/manage the development of games in the series.
- Nintendo DS (Japanese: ニンテンドーDS) - A dual-screened handheld video game system made by Nintendo. It introduced a Touch Screen and a built in microphone, unlike the Game Boy family. It supports Game Boy Advance games via a separate slot, but does not support older Game Boy series games.
- Nintendo DS Lite (Japanese: ニンテンドーDSライト) - An improvement to the original Nintendo DS made by Nintendo, that is lighter and features a brighter screen. Like the Nintendo DS, it also supports Game Boy Advance games.
- Nintendo DSi (Japanese: ニンテンドーDSi) - A successor to the Nintendo DS Lite made by Nintendo, that features two digital camera and can connect to an online store called the Nintendo DSi Shop. Unlike the Nintendo DS Lite and Nintendo DS, it cannot play Game Boy Advance games as the GBA slot is removed.
- Nintendo DSi XL (Japanese: ニンテンドーDSi LL) - A larger but heavier version of the Nintendo DSi made by Nintendo. Like the Nintendo DSi XL it cannot play Game Boy Advance games as the GBA slot is removed.
- Nintendo 3DS (Japanese: ニンテンド3DS) - A successor to the Nintendo DSi and Nintendo DSi XL made by Nintendo that supports "3D effects without glasses" and augmented reality. In some games, the system can be moved around as an input method for controlling the game, thanks to a built in accelerometer and gyroscope. There is backwards compatibility for Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi games and an upgraded shop called the Nintendo eShop. The Nintendo eShop sells DSiWare games as well as downloadable Nintendo 3DS Software and games for older systems including the Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Game Gear. Ten Game Boy Advance and ten Nintendo Entertainment System games were also given for free as part of an Ambassador Program in 2011 for early Nintendo 3DS buyers following a major Nintendo 3DS price drop, but not any Legendary Starfy titles. Like the Nintendo DSi, the Nintendo 3DS features two in-built cameras and does not have a slot for physical Game Boy Advance games.
- Nintendo 3DS XL (Japanese: ニンテンドー3DS LL) - An improved version of the Nintendo 3DS made by Nintendo with much larger screens, a longer battery life and is larger in size overall.
- Nintendo 2DS - A version of the Nintendo 3DS made by Nintendo without its 3D capabilities that doesn't have a top screen that can fold in, unlike previous models. The console released in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand but as of yet the system has not been released in Japan.
- Nintendo GameCube - A Nintendo home console. It is the successor to the Nintendo 64 and resembles a cube with a handle. The first three Densetsu no Starfy games are playable on this system with the Game Boy Player. The Nintendo GameCube also appears in a cameo in Densetsu no Starfy 3, Densetsu no Starfy 4, and in the manga series Densetsu no Starfy R by Suzuo Yadaka.
- New Nintendo 3DS (Japanese: Newニンテンドー3DS) - A member of the Nintendo 3DS family with an added c-stick and additional ZL and ZR shoulder buttons. It also has microSD support and built in near field communication. It also features various performance improvements and colored face buttons resembling a PAL Super Nintendo Entertainment System or a Super Famicom. It is backwards compatible with Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo DS/DSi software. Some Super Nintendo Entertainment System titles are available for New Nintendo 3DS and other entries in the New Nintendo 3DS family only. There is also a port of the Wii game Xenoblade Chronicles for New Nintendo 3DS that will only work on a New Nintendo 3DS system.
- New Nintendo 3DS XL (Japanese: Newニンテンドー3DS LL) - A larger model of the New Nintendo 3DS. It also apparently features an improved battery life.
- New Nintendo 2DS XL (Japanese: Newニンテンドー2DS LL) - A console similar to both the Nintendo 2DS and New Nintendo 3DS. It features the updated capabilities from the New Nintendo 3DS but has a different hinge design that does not cover the top right and top left corners of the bottom screen, and does not feature a 3D effect.
- Opening (Japanese: オープニン) - Cutscenes in the The Legendary Starfy series that introduce the game's story.
- Opening Demo (Japanese: オープニングデモ) - Altenative name for the Opening used in the Japanese versions.
- Ogura (Japanese: オーグラ) - A demonic eel who is the main antagonist of Densetsu no Starfy and Densetsu no Starfy 2 and one of the antagonists of Densetsu no Starfy 3. He has served under Evil since he was young.
- Old Man Lobber (Japanese: ラブじいさん, Rob-jiisan) - A wise, elderly lobster who found Starfy after he fell into Lobber's Cave in Densetsu no Starfy and usually assists Starfy, Starly and Moe during their adventures.
- Pearls (Japanese: しんじゅ) - A currency in The Legendary Starfy series. Collecting five of them restores on heart, while in Densetsu no Starfy 4, they add one health point each. They are blue circular pearls with a star in them.
- Pink Pearls (Japanese: ピンクしんじゅ) - Octagonal shaped Pearls in Densetsu no Starfy 4 that restore the SP bar rather than Starfy and Starly's health points.
- Picture Book - A feature in The Legendary Starfy series available after beating the game, where the player can view Moe's comments for unlocked characters and enemies. In the North American and Australian versions of The Legendary Starfy, it is known as 'Toys', while in Densetsu no Starfy 3, the feature is known as the Trading Cards.
- Planet Bunnera (Japanese: ランパ星, Rampa Planet) - The home planet of the Bunnerans in The Legendary Starfy.
- Prerelease information - Information about video games and related media prior to the release candidate.
- Rare Enemies (Japanese: レアな敵) - Enemies in The Legendary Starfy series that can only be met after beating the game.
- Red Pearls (Japanese: あかいしんじゅ)- Rare octagonal shaped Pearls that Starfy must find for Herman in the "Herman's Red Pearls" Side Quest. They look like Pink Pearls.
- ROM image - A file that is a copy of the data from a read-only memory (ROM) chip.
- RAM - Computer memory that can be read from and written to in arbitrary sequence. In terms of hacking video games, it contains important memory addresses, such as the WRAM portion that deals with in-game variables and the VRAM portion that deals with graphics. RAM stands for random-access memory.
- Sages (Japanese: けんじゃ) - Four characters in Densetsu no Starfy 4 that teach Spill abilities.
- Sea Jams (Japanese: 海のねいろ, Tone of Ocean) - An unlockable sound test in The Legendary Starfy series. It is normally available after beating the game, or in Densetsu no Starfy, after Starfy retrieves Wotsaruto's Tone of Ocean for the second time. In Densetsu no Starfy 2-4, no music is available at first and the tunes have to be unlocked individually.
- Shards (Japanese: カケラ) - Pieces of Bunston's spaceship in The Legendary Starfy that help him get his memory back when they are collected.
- Shop (Japanese: おみせ) - Places where the player can buy Stuff with Pearls, music pieces (Densetsu no Starfy 3 and 4) and Heart Gems (Densetsu no Starfy 4), introduced in Densetsu no Starfy 2.
- Specials (Japanese: スペシャル) - Stuff that dress up Starfy or Starly completely (excluding a few items such as the Grandfather Clock) and may depict them in the middle of a scene.
- Side Quests (Japanese: サブイベント, Sub Events') - Short tasks in The Legendary Starfy branching off each Area of every Stage in The Legendary Starfy, with the exception of Pufftop and the ??? Stage, the first Area of each Stage and its secret Areas. Completing them unlocks secret Areas.
- Side Quest door - Blue doors with a star icon above them, which lead to rooms with Side Quests.
- Sleep Mode (Japanese: スリープ[2], Sleep or スリープモード) - A feature for the Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS families and some Game Boy Advance titles. It is useful to temporarily suspend gameplay and save energy. Some Nintendo DS titles including The Legendary Starfy play sound effects when the game is taken into or out of Sleep Mode. On a Nintendo DS or Nintendo 3DS family console it can usually be entered by closing the system.
- Spill (Japanese: スピル) - A magical power in Densetsu no Starfy 4 that can be used for special Abilities taught by Sages if Starfy and Starly have a full Spill Points bar.
- Spill Points (SP) - A gauge required for Spill abilities that fills up as Starfy and Starly collect Pink Pearls.
- Spring of Love (Japanese: あいのいずみ) - A series of seven unique obstacle courses inside a fountain, or the fountain itself. The relevant course must be played to advance from one Stage to the next for the first time in Densetsu no Starfy 4.
- Stages (Japanese: ステージ) - Locations that contain Areas in The Legendary Starfy series, or playable levels themselves in Densetsu no Starfy.
- Staff Credits (Japanese: スタッフクレジット) - The credits that list the people involved in the development of the games in The Legendary Starfy series.
- Staff Roll 1 (Japanese: スタッフロール1) - The first Staff Roll shown during after the first Ending, which lists the names of the game staff.
- Staff Roll 2 (Japanese: スタッフロール2) - The second Staff Roll shown after the best Ending. The Legendary Starfy has no Staff Roll 2. In all games it appears in except Densetsu no Starfy, it lists pseudonyms of the staff and in Densetsu no Starfy 4, it shows what seems to be concept art.
- Stage Select (Japanese: ステージセレクト) - A menu in The Legendary Starfy series where the player can select Stages.
- Starfy - The main protagonist of the The Legendary Starfy series, who is neither a star or a starfish but has traits of both.
- Starfish - An enemy in Super Princess Peach that has a rare chance of appearing in three areas. It resembles Starfy wearing sunglasses. Starfy is often called a starfish, but he is actually neither a star or a starfish.
- Starly - Starfy's younger sister, and one of the protagonists of The Legendary Starfy series.
- Stuff (Japanese: グッズ, Goods) - Special treasures that Starfy and Starly can dress up in.
- Sub-Events - Alternative name for Side Quests.
- Sunglasses - Objects in The Legendary Starfy series. According to The Legendary Starfy and the lyrics of The Legendary Starfy series's Title Song (also known as Tone of Ocean), Starfy's favorite hobby is collecting different types of Sunglasses.
- Text dump - A dump of a game's text, usually extracted directly from the ROM.
- TOSE (Japanese: 株式会社トーセ), also referred to as 'Tose' - A Japanese game development company that co-develops games in The Legendary Starfy series with Nintendo.
- The Terrible Trio (Japanese: ジャンケンポン, Jankenpon) - Three members of the Daīru Pirate Squad (Japanese: ダイール 海賊団) who are instructed to capture Bunston under Mashtooth's orders.
- Title (Japanese: タイトル) - An alternative name for the Title Screen.
- Title Screen (Japanese: タイトルがめん) - The screen in The Legendary Starfy series where players can access the File Selection screen and in The Legendary Starfy, connect to Local Wireless to join in Team Play mode.
- Touch Screen feature - Special screens shown on the Touch Screen in The Legendary Starfy.
- Trading Cards (Japanese: トレーディングカード) - The name of the Picture Book feature in Densetsu no Starfy 3, where after beating the game, 'trading cards' of characters and enemies with descriptions can be seen. The Nintendo Official Guidebook also refers to this as the Trading Cards Picture Book (Japanese: トレーディングカードずかん).
- Transformations - Transformations that Starfy and the Bunnerans can undergo in The Legendary Starfy, such as Monstar; or unused additional transformations in the game code.
- Transforming Stone (Japanese: へんしんの石) - A stone in The Legendary Starfy made of natural energy that allows the Bunnerans to transform.
- Treasure (Japanese: たから) - Items found in Treasure Chests in The Legendary Starfy series, including Treasure Items, music and Stuff.
- Treasure Chest - Chests that contain Treasure in The Legendary Starfy series.
- Treasure Box (Japanese: たからばこ) - Alternative name for Treasure Chest used in the Japanese games.
- Treasure Items (Japanese: たからもの) - The name of a feature in Densetsu no Starfy and Densetsu no Starfy 2 that shows a panel of objects. Individual Treasure Items are unlocked as Starfy finds them by clearing new areas in Densetsu no Starfy 2 (though there is an additional Treasure Item treasure for when the player beats Ogura again) or clearing Stages again in Densetsu no Starfy. This feature must be completed to get the best Ending and Staff Roll 2.
- Trial demo - A demo of a game often shown at an event, such as the trial demos of Densetsu no Starfy at Nintendo Space World 2000 and Nintendo Space World 2001.
- Trial version - Alternative name for trial demo. This name is used for the The Legendary Starfy North American trial version.
- Toys (Japanese: ずかん, Picture Book) - A feature in The Legendary Starfy available after beating the game, where the player can buy toys with Pearls and view descriptions of them.
- Unused content - Things that appear in the released The Legendary Starfy series games but are never used in normal gameplay.
- Vehicles (Japanese: のりもの) - Rideable vehicles that can be unlocked in the Game Boy Advance games and Densetsu no Starfy 4.
- VRAM - See RAM.
- Wii - A seventh generation home console created by Nintendo, featuring wireless motion control. Though no The Legendary Starfy series games were released on the Wii, Super Smash Bros. Brawl featured some appearances of characters from the series. Earlier models of the Wii had backwards compatibility for GameCube games.
- Wii Mini - A miniature version of the Wii which lacks SD Card and Wi-Fi support. It cannot play GameCube games.
- Wii U - The successor to the Wii U, created by Nintendo. It features a GamePad with a second screen on it and selling points are the system's high-definition graphics and the Wii U GamePad, which features a second screen that can be used for asymmetric gameplay. It can play Wii games, but not GameCube games. The first three Densetsu no Starfy games, previously for the Game Boy Advance, were re-released on Wii U Virtual Console in Japan.
- WRAM - See RAM.
- Zukan (Japanese: ずかん) - A Japanese word meaning Picture Book or referring to an illustrated encyclopedia.
- ↑ Nintendo Power magazine, Volume 244, Future Publishing, August 2009, pp. 73. Link: [1]
- ↑ Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U - Japanese "pic of the day" post by Sakurai - August 22, 2014