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List of fan games in The Legendary Starfy series
While Nintendo does not endorse fan-games of its intellectual property, fans of The Legendary Starfy series have produced numerous unofficial Starfy games. Some of these are listed, below.
Moe-sama's Adventure

Moe-sama's Adventure (Japanese: キョロスケさまの冒険, Kyorosuke-sama's Adventure) was one of many flash games based on Horizontal Scroll GO! (Japanese: 横スクロールでGO!, Yoko sukurōru de GO!). This iteration was themed after The Legendary Starfy series, starring Moe, and hosted on Ankohouse. As of June 2014, Ankohouse has remove all flash games from its site, making Moe-sama's Adventure and most other games hosted on the site lost media. It was submitted by Black Shark (Japanese: 黒鮫) on June 2nd, 2006. [1] The game was programmed and designed by Miko Aisa.
How to play
Click on the area above the Pearl meter (Japanese: 真珠) to begin a game. Control Moe with the mouse.
The objective of the game is to keep the Pearl meter above zero for as long as possible by touching Starfy with a Pearl for +10 points or occasionally Starly with a Pearl for +50 points. There are enemies which drain the Pearl meter when touched, including Zuratta (-5 points) and Ogura (-50 points). Points will be gained the further Moe travels. While accumulating points, King Dedede will occasionally appear at the bottom of the playable area with a bag of Pearls, although it seems trying to interact with him does nothing.
Holding the mouse button down will make Moe move faster but will also make the Pearl meter deplete faster. Holding the mouse button down will decrease the amount of points gained for touching Starfy and Starly but it also decreases the amount of points lost for touching Zuratta and Ogura.
When the Pearl meter has decreased to zero the player can no longer move Moe upwards with the mouse (although it is still possible to move him left or right) or hold the mouse button down to make Moe move faster, but the Pearl meter can be increased above zero again if Moe touches Starfy or Starly while he is falling. The game ends when Moe falls through the bottom of the screen. Moe can only fall through the bottom of the screen if the Pearl meter is at zero.
Original Characters

Original Characters was a Japanese website ran by So (Japanese:そー) with the stated goal of allowing people to share their own original characters. Early in the site's history, a Portion of it was dedicated to fan works related to The Legendary Starfy series, and it featured a few fan-games well as a personality quiz. Currently the site is down, and nearly all mention of it was removed from So's profile website. Thus, all the games that were once hosted there are now lost media.
Starfy Rock Paper Scissors (Japanese: スタフィーじゃんけん, Starfy Jyanken) was a simple rock paper scissors simulator with a The Legendary Starfy series theme. Taking the role of Starfy, the player would wait for the count down and choose between rock, paper, or scissors in an attempt to win against Moe. Chooseing too early will automatically make make you lose the game for breaking the rules.
Bash Bash Starfy (Japanese: バシバシスタフィー, Bashi Bashi Starfy) was a clone of Whac-A-Mole in which the player needed to click on Starfy when he was above the water's surface. The fan-game had three difficulty settings which affected the rate at which Starfy appeared on screen as well as the fan-game's time limit. Each difficulty setting gave you a different goal for how many times you should click on Starfy in a given match, though due to its simplistic nature the fan-game could not penalize you for not reaching the goal outside of text.
Breaking Down the Starfy Block (Japanese: スタフィーのブロック崩し, Starfy no burokku kuzushi) was a clone of Breakout in which the player takes the role of Moe. It was the player's goal to destroy all the blocks on screen by launching Starfy at them. Thorn would also be present, which the player needed to avoid. If Starfy touched the thorns, then he would lose HP. His HP reaching 0 triggers a game over.
I wanna get the five stars!

I wanna get the five stars!, known the same in Japanese, though games like this are often shortened to "Aiwana" (Japanese: アイワナ) is one of many Japanese games based on the PC game "I Wanna Be the Guy". It was created by five Niconico users Minazuki, Kurain, Doruppi, Chasoo, and Carnival using the software GameMaker and has at least two versions. Version 1.0 was released on August 17th 2013, and Version 1.1 was released on October 6th, 2013. [2]
There is a stage in this game based on The Legendary Starfy series. Kurain is credited as 'being in charge' of it in terms of its creation. Additionally, on the title screen a star-like creature can be seen five times. In the top-left section of the title screen it has pink cheeks like Starfy, but it may not be based on Starfy.
In this platformer game, the player has to clear five stages set in Star World from the Mario series. The protagonist is called the "Kid" like in the original I Wanna Be the Guy. He can jump up to two times (or infinitely in water) and shoot with his gun. There are occasional traps which are apparently meant to surprise the player and cause the Kid to die. For example, in the Legendary Starfy series stage, one of the traps has pink coral from the ocean floor rise up into the air and touching the coral will kill the Kid.
There are five red level 'marks' in the Star World, with each one holding a stage. The bottom course is based on Kirby's Dream Land 3, the left-most course is based on Densetsu no Starfy 2 and features Buirun from Densetsu no Starfy 3 as its boss, the north-left most course is based on the Mega Man 4, the north-right most course is based on Super Mario Bros. 3, and the right most course is based on Ganbare Goemon 3.
The Legendary Starfy stage

The left-most course from Star World is based on Densetsu no Starfy 2 and features Buirun, a Boss from Densetsu no Starfy 3. Kurain is credited as being 'in charge' of the creation of this stage. The boss music that plays in the battle with Buirun is Boss Battle from The Legendary Starfy and he will fire balls (possibly electric) at the player.
The first section of this stage is set in a version of Lobber's Cave that is most like the version from Densetsu no Starfy 2, although the tune Torrent's Waterfall plays there, not Lobber's Cave. The enemies and obstacles there include Korasu, Bobfin, flying coral, spikes, Sukesuke and Kaiden like enemies.
At the end of the Lobber's Cave section there is a cardboard box that the Kid must enter, but apples that can kill the Kid fly out of it at first, including one giant apple. After entering it, it leads the Kid to an ice stage where the tune Slippery Ice Alpine plays. Apples will fly out of the box again until eventually a big apple breaks two silver 'floor' blocks. Through the blocks is a large room with a Pingoon only capable of turning and a large rotating spiked ball. After pushing a button, the player can advance to an area where they have to use Barikkus as platforms, which alternate between their spiky (deadly) and brick forms. After the Kid pushes a switch to remove some spikes, there is a room past where the spikes were where two Mejiro can be found and a hidden Bu behind a rock.
West of there is a section with moving Korasu and another flying coral trap. When the Kid reaches the top of the room that follows, the scenery will change back to like Lobber's Cave again, and the Kid can jump up to an area where Buirun must be fought. Buirun will attack will green and blue energy balls, possibly made of electricity which may split into a circle of smaller balls. When he is defeated, Buirun will leave behind a star and when the star is collected, the stage is cleared.
Starfy 3D

Starfy 3D (Japanese: スタフィー3D) or Densetsu no Starfy 3D (Japanese: 伝説のスタフィー3D) is an unfinished Starfy fan game developed with the Unity engine. The software Blender was used for modelling. Apparently, Starfy is designed to be 36cm tall, like he is described in Becky, Saya Kazuki and ℃-ute's version of the series Title Song. The game was made by Niconico user beanjam.
On Niconico, footage from the game was uploaded in five parts from July 19, 2014 to October 19, 2014. From September 10th 2014, beanjam started to upload the Niconico videos to Youtube on his channel as well, ending on the same day as their Niconico uploads. While beanjam initially stated that they were looking for someone to make the fan game with,[3] they have now cancelled it.[4]
In part 2 of the Niconico videos, beanjam provided a link to a browser demo, and a link to what may have been intended to be model files as well, but the link appears to be broken. The demo was hosted on UnityGameUploader, and required UnityWebPlayer in order to run, which that could be installed from the same page the demo was hosted. UnityGameUploader has since went offline, making the demo unplayable via web browser. The demo has since been independently archived. Now the desktop program Uniplayer must be used to play it. UnityWebPlayer is also still necessary, as Uniplayer will not function without it installed.
Version 1
The game starts with no title screen, with Starfy on a checkered black and white floor. Near Starfy is a Winna that does not harm Starfy, and it is possible to move through it. When Starfy is in the air, the Winna will jump up to him, like in the Game Boy Advance games. To the north, from west to east, there are marble colored 'steps', a yellow square with Starfy's face on, three of these squares on top of each other, a tall block and "Unity-chan" (Japanese: ユニティちゃん), who appears as a woman with long blonde hair, wearing blue and brown overwear, orange ear-like thread coming out of her hair, and orange and black checkered 'tights'. The woman is animated and occasionally blinks. Nearby here, there is a light-blue block that Starfy can roll by trying to Walk or Dash on it. Further north, from west to east, there is a green and brown 'army' colored globe (but half of it is under the ground), a planet resembling Earth floating in the air that rotates, 'marble' colored platforms (called 'lifts') that move up and down, and slightly south of these; a 'marble' colored slope that Starfy can walk up. North-east from the platforms there is a vast, mainly barren area of light-brown ground, grass, and some rocks. There seems to be nothing there, except for some mountains, but it is surrounded by water (east of the platforms) that Starfy can submerge in. Starfy can go off the map boundaries and fall into the surrounding space to seemingly no return.
Version 2
White "Click to Start!" text was implemented into the demo for when the game starts or is paused. When the game is paused, there is white "Esc: Exit" text on the top-left corner of the screen. The lighting in this game seems to have changed; but whether the actual mechanics were changed is unclear. Starfy seems to be brighter, but the planet and the army colored globe seem to be darker. The background is no longer a plain blue, and instead is a lighter blue with clouds. More 'Starfy face' blocks have been added west of the Starfy blocks in version 1, and for each pile from east to west the blocks are of a smaller stack. Additionally, the original pile of Starfy blocks is taller.
West of the globe is a huge field full of trees, with other plants. There is also tree bark on the floor that can be moved through, and a 'metal' moving platform in the field that can be stood on, which goes all the way back to the checkered floor area. A path of soil cuts through the middle of the field. The field is surrounded by a wall, and there are rocks beside it that Starfy can jump on. The wall can be climbed. North west of the field is a beach, water, rocks, and a tunnel. One of the rocks (a big boulder) can be moved through, but not the others. Starfy can actually submerge himself in the water, where he may sink, but the player can make Starfy rise up by holding/repeatedly pressing space or stop sinking by walking around. Starfy can do a forward swim if the player holds down the right mouse button (normally used for gliding). Through the tunnel is an area of sand shaped like a circle, connected to the main area of sand through a submerged area. South from the starting area there are ten 2x2 blocks, one of which is a smaller light brown block inside a green block.
South from the starting area there are ten 2x2 blocks, one of which is a smaller light brown block inside a green block. The east-most block is light brown, but is not to be confused with the smaller block. Seven of the other blocks are green and have missing faces. One of the blocks is textured like a dark brown, bumpy wall, but has missing faces like most of the other blocks. Two of the green blocks and the dark brown block appear to be in the air. It is possible to get trapped in the green blocks that seem to be in the air by moving through their missing face, because it blocks Starfy from the inside. The west-most block is green, and west of it is a dark blue 'block face' floating in the air, that disappears from view when seen from above. West of it there is a blue block face that can only be seen from above, and Starfy can stand on it. East of Unity-chan there is a huge rectangular area of water that Starfy can swim in. Like version 1, it is possible for Starfy to go off the map boundaries and fall into the surrounding space to seemingly no return.
Version 3 (4?)
Music was added to the demo. The music was created by a program called i2sm that generates audio based on an image. Support for the first person perspective was added. The camera does not turn when Starfy Star Spins. A 'current' mechanic was added to water, like how some bodies of water have a current in the official Legendary Starfy games. Stream particles can be seen out of water too, acting as wind. Bubbles were added, though they may be hard to see. A door mechanic was added; said to be like "anywhere door" (this probably refers to the gadget in Doraemon). Open doors let Starfy warp elsewhere in the map.
Version 4 (5?)
Brown blocks were added to the demo, which can be destroyed by Starfy's Star Spin. An effect can be seen where they break up into fragments. No sound effect was added for this, but beanjam suggested they wanted to add one. An underwater cave resembling a submarine was added. A river was added, but Starfy's interaction with it wasn't working as expected.
Future Plans
For version 4 of the demo, beanjam planned on making blocks like the ones in the official Legendary Starfy games, as well as a tree. After finishing the stage, beanjam wanted to make a health system using hearts to represent hit points, which they made concept art for.
The controls are listed in Japanese on beanjam's site.[5] Below is a table of what the controls are in English.
It is possible to 'jump' while gliding, unlike in the official Starfy games. In version 1, doing this causes Starfy to rise while still gliding before coming back down. In version 2, though it is still possible to jump while gliding, Starfy is made to stop gliding after a jump. In version 1 of the demo, somehow it is possible to keep moving while Ducking without doing a Duck & Slide. This is not confirmed in version 2.
Moe's Adventure

Moe's Adventure is a Starfy fan game featuring Moe by Jinraku TC (Japanese:TC仁楽). Initially revealed under the title Kyorosuke-sama no RPG (Japanese: キョロスケ様のRPG), the fan-game was made using the RPG Maker VX Ace engine. Gameplay involves Moe traveling around Starfy's world. There are random turn-based encounters with enemies such as Unu and Jellysquish in which Moe fights by himself. In the original version the enemies represented via sprites taken from official Starfy games, but in the remake they instead represented via official artwork. The fan-game ends in a boss fight with Konk.
The first two videos of the fan-game were published by Jinraku TC on his Niconico account Jinraku365 (Japanese: 仁楽365) on December 25, 2015. Since then, the two videos have been mirrored on Jinraku TC's YouTube channel. On March 15, 2020 Jinraku TC uploaded a video of an English language remake on their YouTube channel exclusively. The original soundtrack for Moe's Adventure consists of The Legendary Starfy soundtrack remixes that Jinraku TC had also uploaded to their accounts. There is currently no way to experience the fan-game outside of these videos, as it has not been publicly released.
Starfy Framework
Starfy Framework is a source-available framework for making Starfy fan games in Godot created by The8BitLeaf and released in June of 2024. It was initially made to study the mechanics of marine platforming games in order to aid in the development of his own game. This processes was documented in a YouTube video, in which The8BitLeaf also expressed little interest in releasing it publicly. However, after a receiving a request to turn this experiment into a framework, The8BitLeaf uploaded it to his page.
As a game Starfy Framework is currently playable in-browser on its page. It only has one continuous level with no end point beyond walking off screen. This level is structured in a way that allows the player to explore all of Starfy's available moves. Starfy has access to moves Swim, Turbo Swim, Surf Jump, Walk, Dash, Jump, Star Spin, Mighty Star Spin, and Glide. Starfy Framework uses level sprites from the version of Lobber's Cave from Densetsu no Starfy 3 and player sprites from The Legendary Starfy.
The Legendary Starfy: Pollution Panic
The Legendary Starfy: Pollution Panic is an in-development Starfy fan game developed by SuperrONNY8 made in Unity. It revolves around a mysterious pollution suddenly plaguing the land. Starfy's friends, both new and old, are helping him to figure out who's behind it. It is a Metroidvania with a focus of switching characters depending on if you are in the sky, on the land, or in the sea. It currently has a page on Game Jolt were progress updates and teasers are posted. SuperrONNY8 also makes YouTube videos showing off pre-alpha game play. The project is currently open for new members, so if you'd like to help in it's creation, contact SuperONNY8 on Discord or Bluesky.
Mushroom Kingdom Fusion
Mushroom Kingdom Fusion is a Super Mario fan game that is currently hosted on It is a Crossover with elements, characters, and settings from a multitude of other video games. The game consists of mechanics primarily from the SNES and Game Boy Advance renditions of Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros. 3, and Super Mario World. Enemy characters include standard Super Mario enemies, demonic beings, alien creatures, and human soldiers. The game features items from the Super Mario series and weaponry originally used by the Covenant races in Halo, in addition to suit items that bestow upon the main playable characters the guise and abilities of certain characters from the Mega Man series. Characters featured in MKF include Mario, Luigi, Wario and Waluigi plus a roster of characters from other video game franchises (such as Sonic the Hedgehog, The Legend of Zelda, Ghosts 'n Goblins, and Mega Man). The game design is influenced by franchises such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Doom, and Mega Man and various Nintendo titles.[6]
On the 20th of December 2024 version 0.9 of Mushroom Kingdom Fusion was released. This version, among other features, added Kirby to the roster of playable characters. He for the most part plays as he does in the Kirby series, copy abilities and all. However, upon obtaining a Hammer Suit Kirby will miraculously transform into Starfy. In this form Kirby can Turbo Swim and Star Spin.
Artwork of Starfy in Moe-sama's Adventure.
Artwork of Moe in Moe-sama's Adventure.
Artwork of Starly in Moe-sama's Adventure.
Artwork of Ogura in Moe-sama's Adventure.
Artwork of Zuratta in Moe-sama's Adventure.
Bash Bash Starfy.
Breaking Down the Starfy Block.
The Legendary Starfy series portion of Original Characters.
The original title screen of Moe's Adventure.
External links
Moe-sama's Adventure:
Original Characters:
- Link to the website (Defunct)
- Link to the Legendary Starfy series portion of the website (Defunct)
- Link to the fan-games (Defunct)
- Link to So's profile site
I wanna get the five stars:
Starfy 3D:
- YouTube videos (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5)
- Niconico videos (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5)
- Link to the fan-game's webpage (Defunct)
- Archive of the fan-game's webpage
- Archive of the fan-game's demo
- Link to beanjam's website
Moe's Adventure:
- YouTube videos (Part 1, Part 2, Remake, Original Soundtrack)
- Niconico videos (Part 1 (Defunct), Part 2 (Defunct))
Starfy Framework
The Legendary Starfy: Pollution Panic
Mushroom Kingdom Fusion
- ↑ 最新500件を見る - Ankohouse (in Japanese)
- ↑ "I wanna get the five stars!", read me file.
- ↑ 【Unity】スタフィーを3Dでつくってみた。Part2【伝説のスタフィー】 - see description
- ↑ 宇宙人育てるアプリ作った - see comment section
- ↑ 伝説のスタフィー3D - beanjam's site
- ↑ Mushroom Kingdom Fusion (Video Game) - TV Tropes
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