
From Starfy Wiki
Revision as of 01:11, 26 June 2011 by Kagegamer12 (talk | contribs)
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About me

Hey everyone!!! I'm admin of the Legendary Starfy wiki as well as a member of the Nintendo Wiki, and basically I pretty much upload Starfy images and music on here as well as create and even expand existing articles when need be. I also rip Starfy and other video game music and post them on my youtube channel which you can click here!!! If you have any questions or even requests for certain things you can pm me at my youtube channel or even discuss it with me here if you want. :D

Also my other favorite video game series are Kirby, Mega Man, Pokemon, Sonic the Hedgehog, Bomberman, Paper Mario, Disgaea,and other series I can't think of right now. xP

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Kagegamer12's Tags
Starfypose.jpg This user identifies as male.
Fidofin.png This user likes dogs.
ShurikitDoll.JPG This user likes cats.
StarfyKirby.jpg This user can tell the difference between Starfy and Kirby.
StarlyKimono.PNG This user has played a Japan-only game.
Enemies (7).jpg This KONK user has KONK gotten Konk's speech KONK pattern at least KONK once KONK!
Ronk.jpg This user picks rock!
MoesFamily.png This user has a sibling.
StarfyBDay.jpg This user's birthday is December 25th!