Moe-sama's Adventure
Moe's Adventure (Japanese: キョロスケさまの冒険, Kyorosuke-sama's Adventure) is a flash-game based on The Legendary Starfy series, starring Moe, hosted on Ankohouse.
It was submitted by 'Black Shark' (Japanese: 黒鮫) on June 2nd, 2006. [1] The game was programmed and designed by Miko Aisa.
How to play
Click on the area above the Pearl meter (Japanese: 真珠) to begin a game. Control Moe with the mouse.
The objective of the game is to keep the Pearl meter above zero for as long as possible by touching Starfy with a Pearl for +10 points or occasionally Starly with a Pearl for +50 points. There are enemies which drain the Pearl meter when touched, including Zuratta (-5 points) and Ogura (-50 points). Points will be gained the further Moe travels. While accumulating points, King Dedede will occasionally appear at the bottom of the playable area with a bag of Pearls, although it seems trying to interact with him does nothing.
Holding the mouse button down will make Moe move faster but will also make the Pearl meter deplete faster. Holding the mouse button down will decrease the amount of points gained for touching Starfy and Starly but it also decreases the amount of points lost for touching Zuratta and Ogura.
When the Pearl meter has decreased to zero the player can no longer move Moe upwards with the mouse (although it is still possible to move him left or right) or hold the mouse button down to make Moe move faster, but the Pearl meter can be increased above zero again if Moe touches Starfy or Starly while he is falling. The game ends when Moe falls through the bottom of the screen. Moe can only fall through the bottom of the screen if the Pearl meter is at zero.