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Toys "R" Us

Toys "R" Us is a dedicated toy and juvenile products retailer founded in 1948 (then known as Children's Supermart) and headquarted in Wayne, New Jersey, United States. Toys "R" Us have various branches outside of the United States, such as stores in Australia, Canada, France and the United Kingdom. As of 2017, Toys "R" Us has filled for bankruptcy, and in 2018, most stores outside of Canada have either been shut down or is in the process of doing so.
The Legendary Starfy event

Special events celebrating the release of The Legendary Starfy were held at various Toys "R" Us locations in the United States across 35 states on June 7, 2009 from 12pm-2pm. [1][2]
Some free gifts were available at the participating stores including The Legendary Starfy visors, and coloring pages that were later available at Nintendo World Store. Stickers of Starfy, Bunston, the Mermaid, Moe, The Terrible Trio and Starly were also available at the event, as well as pencils. [3] Balloons based on The Legendary Starfy were displayed, including red, yellow, green, pink and blue balloons and special blue star shaped balloons with artwork of Starfy on them and the game's logo.
Toys "R" Us also posted a Nintendo DS trailer (link) for The Legendary Starfy based on the E3 2009 trailer on to Youtube on May 28, 2009 but with the Gluglug Lagoon music instead of the Opening 1 music and copyright information near the end of the trailer.
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