Nintendo World Store

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The Legendary Starfy face painting at the Nintendo World Store

Not to be confused with Nintendo World

The Nintendo World Store is the flagship specialty store of Nintendo of America based in New York, at the Rockefeller Center at 10 Rockefeller Plaza. The store opened on May 14, 2005.

The Legendary Starfy event

On July 11, 2009, a The Legendary Starfy event took place in the store, just over a month after the release of The Legendary Starfy in North America. The event ran from 1-3 PM and featured face painting, balloons and contests based on the game. It also offered fans a chance to play The Legendary Starfy. [1] A life-sized Starfy character also appeared in the store. [2]

Some merchandise was available from the store, including the previously available Stary t-shirt, bottle and stickers, a gift bag, Starfy balloon, Starfy visor, play-doh, pencil and a coloring page and crayons. [3]

Other events

External links


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