Starfy Wiki:IRC

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Revision as of 22:58, 2 April 2012 by Starphoria (talk | contribs) (...)
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IRC is a way of real-time communication designed specifically for editors of the wiki. It is a better alternative to a talk page due to less Recent Changes clogging. All active users are encouraged to join the channel. Note that not everyone will always be on nor be at the keyboard when you go on.

Channel Operators

General rules

  • Refrain from annoying other users intentionally.
  • No impersonating of other users.
  • No spamming - Spam is annoying. Something will be considered spam if it is repeated several times. Also, if a user is entering random and meaningless stuff, that is also considered spam.
  • No references to sexual topics - Not everyone wants to hear this.
  • No abusive actions - Bullying or abusive actions will not be tolerated on the IRC.
  • Excessive caps will not be tolerated, for they are extremely annoying to some members.