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  • Let's try to find all the backgrounds and list them, start with Starfy 4 or Starfy 5.

Starfy 2 data structure research

Object Struct

Every object in every map is specified by a 24-byte structure in the ROM:

Object Struct
Offset (bytes) Size Description
0x00 2 bytes x-position of the object
0x02 2 bytes y-position of the object
0x04 2 bytes ID of the object.
0x06 2 bytes Padding to make the struct a multiple of 4 bytes
This would change object ID, but the IDs don't go up that high.
0x08 4*4 bytes (16 total) Behavior parameters (bParams) 0-3.
Affects qualities like door destination, treasure value, etc.

Current Method to Manipulate Objects

  • Have a completed Starfy 2 save file
  • Edit the two bytes at 0x19CC98. This changes the ID of a pearl in Stage 1-1 (subsequent visits)
  • (optional) Edit the 16 bytes at 0x19CC9C. This affects the object's behavior parameters, although not much is known at the moment.
  • Visit Stage 1-1.

Objects by ID

Objects by index number (Starfy 2). Feel free to contribute (or add your own different work in progress, research notes, etc. in a new heading). These were tested from Lobber's Cave (subsequent visits).

  • 00 - green monster enemy (unused)
  • 01 - green monster enemy (unused, repeat but with glitchy animations)
  • 02 - door
    • bParam 0 - entrance ID (used when other doors link here)
    • bParam 1 - destination value. floor(value/1000) is the map, (value mod 100) is the entrance ID.
    • bParam 2 - any value besides 0, 1, or -1 appears to close the door
    • bParam 3 - how far horizontally Starfy should move after exiting door
  • 03 - pearl
  • 04 - big pearl
  • 05 - caterpillar enemy (unused)
  • 06 - flatfish NPC (unused)
  • 07 - pink creature (uncertain if NPC or enemy) (unused) Pressing L+R when this creature is loaded displays the text "2003/08/04 20" on the upper-left corner
  • 08 - map spawn - invisible object that the game looks for to spawn Starfy. If one doesn't exist, game looks for a door instead
    • bParam 0 - must be 1 to let the game know to spawn Starfy there
    • bParam 3 - how far to move Starfy horizontally upon entering map (positive = rightward)
  • 09 - blue push block
  • 0a - signboard
  • 0b - old man lobber
    • bParam 1 - script ID
  • 0c - treasure chest
    • bParam 0 - treasure value
  • 0d - moving blue push block - rectangular path depends on b-params
    • bParam 1 - controls speed and direction. 0-7 goes increasingly faster and counterclockwise, 08+ goes clockwise
    • bParam 2 - # of tiles to move to the left
    • bParam 3 - # of tiles to move downward
  • 0e - moe
  • 0f - mermaid shell (cutscene trigger)
  • 10 - mermaid shell (touch to save, as usual)
  • 11 - kurobon
  • 12 - moe underground
    • bParam 1 - script ID
  • 13 - herman
  • 14 - 'nothing'?
  • 15 - lovely
  • 16 - 'nothing'?
  • 17 - 'nothing'?
  • 18 - circle key (forgot name)
  • 19 - circle key hole
  • 1a - boss door
  • 1b - 'nothing'?
  • 1c - grass platform with soil
  • 1d - 'nothing'?
  • 1e - konk boss (changes nearby enemy sprites to Puchi Ogura; glitchy if placed as is)
  • 1f - ruby
  • 20 - 'nothing'?
  • 21 - 'nothing'?
  • 22 - lever
  • 23 - barrel; will float upwards in water
  • 24 - mekani jiisan
  • 25 - balloon (is it the version based on progress or maybe the updated one by default?)
  • 26 - 'nothing'?
  • 27 - puchi ogura and pekin duck model; alters nearby enemy sprites
  • 28 - grey rock platform which disappears and reappears
  • 29 - wind (pushes starfy right)
  • 2a - part of kameru's face when she is scared
  • 2b - a different green platform with soil
  • 2c - 'nothing'?
  • 2d - blue orb with animated sparks
  • 2e - wooden log horizontal
  • 2f - 'nothing'?
  • 30 - small icy platform
  • 31 - icy stalactite
  • 32 - a jellato sister
  • 33 - tornado
  • 34 - water windmill thing (from turtle turtle land)
  • 35 - kamekkojinan(?) cursed form with device
  • 36 - closed/locked door
  • 37 - 'nothing'?
  • 38 - big horizontal log tunnel
  • 39 - 'nothing'?
  • 3a - 'nothing'?
  • 3b - 'nothing'?
  • 3c - 'nothing'?
  • 3d - 'nothing'?
  • 3e - 'nothing'?
  • 3f - upon
  • 40 - tweeto
  • 41 - a spike
  • 42 - sukebon
  • 43 - savako
  • 44 - hirao
  • 45 - hirarin
  • 46 - puchi ogura fire statue
  • 47 - startled monkey (is it unused or when you shock the ukizzu?)
  • 48 - konbi unlit
  • 49 - moe in ice block
  • 4a - 'nothing'?
  • 4b - 'nothing'?
  • 4c - mekani jiisan again (unanimated it may be when he's floating with a balloon or was that starfy 3?)
  • 4d - invisible object used for camera movement in some cutscenes?
  • 4e - puchi ogura #4
  • 4f - togerinu
  • 50 - togerino
  • 51-54 - 'nothing'?
  • 55- gaganmo
  • 56-59 - 'nothing'?
  • 5a - wozart
  • 5b - taruika
  • 5c - chuta
  • 5d - ootaruika
  • 5e - meat (probably for piranyan)
  • 5f - piranyan
  • 60 - key (from stage 6-1)
  • 61 - keyhole for 6-1 key?
  • 62 - puchi ogura 6 in the kigurumi
  • 63-64 - 'nothing'?
  • 65 - pressure marks (for bombs/exploding with bombs?)
  • 66 - 'nothing'?
  • 67 - kamekkoimouto happy
  • 68 - kiremoth and puchi ogura 3 boss (alters nearby sprites)
  • 69 - small rising bubble
  • 6a - fish lithograph
  • 6b - 'nothing'?
  • 6c - puchi ogura 4 as fire/ice serpent boss (alters nearby sprites)
  • 6d - numan and puchi ogura 5 boss (alters nearby sprites)
  • 6e - puchi ogura 6 as kigurumi boss (alters nearby sprites)
  • 6f - small acorn
  • 70 - protruding and retracting tentacle/plant? things (not sure how to describe)
  • 71 - orisu
  • 72 - korisu
  • 73 - a cork, can star spin away (used to bring water back in large tree's forest)
  • 74 - 'nothing'?
  • 75 - shurikit
  • 76 - shurikit's bell
  • 77 - small rotating wooden plank-spike (unsure if used)
  • 78 - falling green leaf
  • 79 - kamone
  • 7a - bomb (can fall)
  • 7b - kumajii
  • 7c - banana
  • 7d - eggplant(?)
  • 7e - melon
  • 7f - pumpkin(?)
  • 80 - persimmon
  • 81 - pea pod/cucumber/green pepper(?)
  • 82 - apple(?)
  • 83 - light brown clam
  • 84 - squid (food)
  • 85 - kumajii's honeycomb (animated)
  • 86-87 - 'nothing'?
  • 88 - biba
  • 89 - kamome notice board
  • 8a - twigs (can push)
  • 8b-8d - 'nothing'?
  • 8e - some kind of switch with a dial (may be unused?), can turn on with star spin
  • 8f - fire trapped in translucent block
  • 90 - moon (character)
  • 91 - 'nothing'?
  • 92 - small green insect (I think it's used, just not in the picture book)
  • 93 - 'nothing'?
  • 94 - mitsugasago
  • 95 - prison bars (bars open)
  • 96 - 'nothing'?
  • 97 - yurikarugo and puchi ogura #8 boss (alters nearby sprites)
  • 98 - mandazetto and puchi ogura #7 boss (alters nearby sprites)
  • 99 - statue of starfy's ancestor
  • 9a - pufftop guard
  • 9b - lever thing which may not work (unused?)
  • 9c - mayudorago
  • 9d - ryun
  • 9e - jiiyan and puchi ogura #9 boss (alters nearby sprites)
  • 9f - puchi ogura #10 and helmet boss (alters nearby sprites)
  • a0 - cloud platform (no arrow)
    • bParam 0 - 0/1/2/3 = moves up/down/left/right, 4/5/6/7 = moves up-right/down-left/down-right/up-left, 8+ = doesn't move
    • bParam 1 - distance to move
    • bParam 2 - something with movement/oscillation speed
  • a1 - statue fragment (head)
  • a2 - mild red shooting star weather, hard to notice (unused?)
  • a3 - the squirts together
  • a4 - kushamisekizou
  • a5 - cloud platform (with arrow, jump to change direction)
    • bParam0 - if 0, moves vertically, if 1, moves diagonally
    • bParam1 - movement speed (in-game value: 8)
    • bParam2 - unknown
  • a6 - exhausted pufftop guard
  • a7 - grey rectangular block with caramel-colored trim (unused?)
  • a8 - pufftop guard (again) (not exhausted)
  • a9 - crying pufftop child
  • aa-b0 - 'nothing'?
  • b1 - four imadame
  • b2 - jueri (conversation NPC)
  • b3 - jueri (object)
  • b4 - a bigger spike ball
  • b5 - small pushable barrel
  • b6 - in-place marker (X or O(?)) for pushable barrel
  • b7 - conversation character with no sprite (is it unused?)
  • b8 - ogura original form boss (alters nearby sprites)
  • b9 - ogura puffed up form (second form) boss (alters nearby sprites)
  • ba-bb - 'nothing'?
  • bc - ogura final form (scripted to change background and music) boss/final boss (very glitched if forced where it shouldn't be)
  • bd - 'nothing'?
  • be - shelleter
  • bf - small beam generator (obstacle in ogura castle)
    • bParam0 - 0/1/2/3 = fires up/right/down/left
    • bParam1 - beam duration
    • bParam2 - beam cooldown
  • c0 - ruby imposter (was this actually used until Starfy 4? or maybe it is and I forgot, maybe ogura or echigyoya makes it)
  • c1-c2- 'nothing'?
  • c3 - gold spade lithograph marker (for key?)
  • c4 - green spade key
  • c5 - 'nothing'?
  • c6 - ability lithograph; meant to not be moved by copying the pose
    • bParam0 - if 0, moves left, if not zero, moves right
    • bParam1 - detection distance/movement speed (in-game value: 64)
    • bParam2 - if 0, depicts swim, if 1, depicts turbo swim
  • c7 - the note by Old Man Lobber ("something written on paper")
  • c8 - a golden pink trimmed platform (lift?) modeled after a monster/ogura(?)
  • c9 - ogura regular form but as an object, does not trigger boss battle
  • ca - ogura regular form boss battle, changes nearby sprites (might be the scripted loss fight)
  • cb - 'nothing'?
  • cc - ogura form 2 but as an object, does not trigger boss battle, may change background colors
  • cd-cf - 'nothing'?
  • d0 - ku
  • d1 - 'nothing'?
  • d2 - big nikku attached to a wall
  • d3-d4 - 'nothing'?
  • d5 - puchi ogura #4 (serpent form); as conversation NPC, does not trigger boss battle (at least does not trigger it automatically)
  • d6 - sleeping transparent blob (I seem to lean towards it being used, but not sure if the similarities to hotarubi are confusing me)
  • d7 - a stretchy bubble (might be unused)
  • d8 - 'nothing'?
  • d9-dc - rubble of some sort (not sure if used). These four entries might be complete copies.
  • dd - 'nothing'?
  • de - red gate (for pitch dark cave quiz iirc)
  • df - puchi ogura #6
  • e0 - warusaru
  • e1 - 'nothing'?
  • e2 - bu
  • e3 - 'nothing'?
  • e4 - gaidonna
  • e5 - fat cat
  • e6 - kit fish
  • e7 - kannin father worried
  • e8 - kannin child worried
  • e9 - kannin child's stuffed bear (conversation NPC)
  • ea - cloud (no arrow) (again)
  • eb - green/teal cloud, vanishes if Starfy stands on it (unused?)
  • ec - small rock platform, collapses if Starfy stands on it, respawns later
  • ed - 'nothing'?
  • ee - taiblond
  • ef - boulder (can fall), is destroyed after touching ground, can hurt starfy
  • f0 - the kodorun
  • f1 - korundoru
  • f2 - rock platform that can only be moved left or right (may be the bridge for korundoru)
  • f3 - 'nothing'?
  • f4 - photograph (with conversation)
  • f5 - 'nothing'?
  • f6 - looks like fork or fork's brother
  • f7 - puchi ogura #7
  • f8 - a different type of bomb (probably from chonmagyo)
  • f9 - looping bomb explosion animation (probably from chonmagyo using the bomb)
  • fa - spiked green platforms which flip upside down after a while
  • fb - funazou
  • fc - purple envelope trimmed with red
  • fd - eyes (probably belonging to resshi)
  • fe - another part of resshi's face
  • ff - unknown due to game freeze while testing
  • 100 - swan/duck icon, placing this where it shouldn't may freeze the game if starfy touches it
  • 101 - swan boat
  • 102 - loverin under the facial hair virus
  • 103 - jojiro under the facial hair virus
  • 104 - fukafuka
  • 105 - ginji (facing up)
  • 106 - ginji roots (facing down)
  • 107 - snowman item
  • 108 - snowy/light blue sparkles (unused?)
  • 109 - ginji (facing right)
  • 10a - goal (for vehicles)
  • 10b - pink phone (lovely's ♥808 pink pearl type red seabream woman's mobile phone)
  • 10c - crying puchi ogura #9 (conversation NPC), no fight (at least not immediately)
  • 10d - jiiyan
  • 10e - 'nothing'?
  • 10f - buyoyon
  • 110-111 - 'nothing'?
  • 112 - facial hair vaccine
  • 113 - moe under the facial hair virus
  • 114 - umiushi
  • 115 - cloud(?)/jelly(?) platform thing with droplets (unused?)
  • 116 - ogyon
  • 117 - chonmagyo as a fightable enemy
  • 118 - secret letter
  • 119 - horun
  • 11a - puchi ogura #10 as a conversation npc without helmet
  • 11b - puchi ogura #10 as a conversation npc but with pink hair (not sure if used)
  • 11c - puchi ogura #10 but with a yellow mask (not sure if used)
  • 11d - puchi ogura #10 but with full red glasses (not sure if used)
  • 11e - 'nothing'?
  • 11f - ogyan
  • 120 - gekyojii
  • 121 - bar like objects which dissolve and play the 'correct' jingle (unused?)
  • 122 - red tao yin-yang orb (unused?)
  • 123 - demeka
  • 124 - right arrow (for auto scrolling)
  • 125 - yanki kigurumi set (can be used)
  • 126 - 'nothing'?
  • 127 - echigyoya
  • 128 - puchi ogura #7 (conversation npc) no battle (at least not automatically)
  • 129 - chonmagyo as conversation npc
  • 12A - upside down pink flower/star switch (unused?)
  • 12B - grey block with pink flower (unused?)
  • 12C - 'nothing'?
  • 12D - six bombs stacked on each other
  • 12E - explosion switch
  • 12F - mijingou
  • 130 - long prison bars (shut)
  • 157 - barikku
  • 160 - sky swimmer
    • bParam1 - flying distance before turning around
  • 1af - flunder
  • 1b0 - tatsubo
  • 1bf - springer
  • 1c5 - enzeru
  • 23d - trappa
    • bParam0 - higher value = moves faster (in-game values: 10, 20)
    • bParam1 - higher value = turns slower (in-game values: 2, 5)
  • 23e - circle/triangle/square/cross block (match others in room to open door)
    • bParam0 - if 0, circle, if 1, triangle, if 2, square, if 3, cross, if 4+, glitchiness
    • bParam1 - symbol changing speed, smaller is faster, 0 = "template" symbol to match
    • bParam2 - possibly related to bParam2 of door in same room
    • bParam3 - # of matching blocks needed to open door
  • 242 - unnamed flame that travels around symbol blocks
  • 24d - lightning effect in background, used in Ogura Castle.
  • 24e - more lightning effects, used in vertical sections of Ogura Castle