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==Stage 1 ([[Lobber's Cave]])==
==Stage 1 ([[Lobber's Cave]])==

==Stage 10 ([[Old Castle]]==
Top box:
ロブのどうくつ | Lobber's Cave
むずかしさ | Difficulty
Starly's explanation of intro screens:
「おっす!今からウチがこのがめんの かんたんな せつめいを はじめるでー!」 | "Hey! From now on I'll be on the [intro] screens too [Starly]. I'll start offering some simple explanations [for you]!"
「せつめいを とばして 先に すすみたいばあいは スタートボタンを おしてやー」 | "If you'd rather skip my explanations, go ahead and press Start."
「まず これにちゅうもくー!」 | "To start, check out these options."
おみせへ | L>To the Shop
キョロスケさまのいえへ | R>To Moe's House
グッズがめんへ | Select>To The Stuff Screen
ステージセレクトへ | B>To the Stage Select
「このがめんから 行くことのできる ばしょが ここに出るでー」 | "From this screen [as indicated by the arrow], you're able to travel to various locations~ [using buttons]."
「ぼうけんがすすむと 行けるばしょも ふえるし それぞれにたいおうする ボタンを押して かつようしてやー」| "On your adventure, simply press the button to travel there~."
「おつぎは ここに ちゅうもくー!」 | "Next up, here is this box [as indicated by the middle arrow~]!"
「これは 今ぼうけんできる ステージの なまえや」 | "This is the name of the current Stage for the adventure, right."
「(A)ボタンを押すと ひょうじ されている ステージに 入れるでー」 | "Press the (A)-Button to enter that stage~."
「それから むずかしさの ☆ は おおいほど てごわいステージに なってとるから ちゅういしてや!」 | "Over here are the difficulty ☆s. Don't back out even if the Stage is difficult!"
「あ! そうそう! 今は ステージを じゆうに えらべへんけど・・・」 | "Uh.. so that's the way it is! No idea why, it seems a bit odd you [have all these options] already..."
「ぼうけんがすすむと じゆうに えらべる ようになるし ステージも ふえるから・・・」 | "Normally you'll unlock these options and progress to the next Stage later during the adventure."
「はじめは ひたすらぼうけんしまくってやー!」 | "I'm going to give it my all from the very beginning!"
「そして さいご! このがめんから ぬけたいときは Bボタンや! わかったー?」 | "To conclude, if you want to exit this screen press the B-Button! Understood~?"
「これで うちのせつめいは おしまいっ!」 | "..And that's the end of this explanation!"
「じゃあねー! ぼうけん がんばってやー バイバイ!」 | "See ya~! Try your best~ Bye-Bye!"
==Stage 10 ([[Old Castle]])==
===Ogura's sacrifice===
===Ogura's sacrifice===
Copy from [ my post] (May 2, 2016; needs cleanup and now have studied Japanese longer may notice some errors).
Ending cutscene 1 (before Ogura's death):
Moe: Now.. surely.. W-We did it?
(Possibly onomatopoeia, "gogogogogogogogogogo......" for falling rocks)
Starly: Oo.. Br-Brother this really hurts...
「グハッ。。エビルクリスタこれだけあつめても だめ。。か」
Moe: Guhahh... Although we have collected this many Evil Crystals it's still not enough, or is it?
「ヌハハハ! よわきものたちよ!ゼにんまとめてくたばるがいい」
Evil: Nuhahaha! You lot are WEAK! It would be better off if you all dropped dead.
「これで テンカイは よのものだ! ぜんせかいを せいふくだー!」
Evil: With this, (???)! I will conquer the whole world!
Starly: Dad..Mum..Brother.. *Cough* *Cough*
Moe: There is nothing more that we can do. We are going to be stuck here.. maybe?
Moe: .......!?
Moe: Y-you.. Ogura.. Why did you come here?
これくらいで へこたれ。。るな」
Worn-out Altered Ogura: Y-you.. guys.. This is dark and I don't want to lose my heart, do I?
「そ。。それは よがもっていた さいごの エビルクリスタ!」
Evil: T..That means you were in possession of the last Evil Crystal!
「や。。やめる! なんのつもりだ! オーグラ! うらぎる気かぁー!」
Evil: S..Stop! What is the intention of this! Ogura! You traitor! Do you have a soul!?
オレさまたちを たすけ。。。
Moe: W-Why you?.. I'm the one who looks after my friends...
「グハッ。。はなしはあとじゃ早く おまえたちも。。。」
Worn-out Altered Ogura: Guhahh.. After the story.. Quickly you guys too...
Evil: Ugugu..!! Stop (Stop~ooooo - possibly like Yameru~ooooo, which sounds like "nooooo"(?)
Worn-out Altered Ogura: Guwa~aaaaaa!
「おい! それいじょうやったら オーグラ。。オメェまで。。。
Moe: Hey! Let's move out, Ogura.. Friends.. here... (not a literal translation)
Worn-out Altered Ogura:
M-My.. body is not so good.. Hold on.. Guhahh
「こ。。こんな。。さいごのさいごで よは。。まける。。のか。。。」
Evil: L..Like this, this is the very end. This means.. I'm going to lose... Or will I?
In the second ending cutscene, it appears like Ogura may have had feelings of guilt for not having a good heart, when he says
"With Y..You guys.. In every way, while I've battled with you.. I have thought you are brave,
your friendship is pure, your heart; well you moved my heart. (I hope you can understand) Until now, the truth is... I'm sorry, *cough* *cough*".
When Ogura said "うごかしたんじゃ。。
", I believe the ん possibly implied that he wanted Starfy and friends to understand his background; how Evil exploited him and defeating Evil may have been the point at which Ogura finally came forward to redeem himself for his actions.
Ending scene 3 (Ogura's castle collapses and Ogura passes away)
Moe: So... this is the end... (it has ended, more literally)
「あ! オーグラが。。。」
Starly: Oh! Ogura has...
「..... 行
Moe: ...Now taken a trip to where he needs to go.
「むこうでは いいヤツに なってるといいな。。。」
Moe: I hope he has become a good guy over there...
!  オレさまたちも かえろうぜ!」
Moe: *Sigh*! I hope that we become good guys too!
Moe: We've got to go to that place!
==Trading Card Picture Book==
==Moe's House miscellaneous==

Latest revision as of 20:24, 7 August 2021


大きな海の そらたかく くもの上に 『テンカイ』という 平和な・・・ | High in the sky, above the ocean was harmony at the Pufftop Kingdom...
テンカイヘイシ王さまぁーー! こ・・これは? まさか また オーグラが・・・ | Prince, Prince Starfy! What's happening? It.. It can't be Ogura...!
パパスタそ・・そんなことはあるまい! | By no means, nonsense!
パパスタオーグラは まちがいなく ツボの中に ふういんしておるはず・・ |I'm certain Ogura was sealed in the jar..
パパスタうむう・・しかし これはいったいどうしたことじゃ・・・ |.. but why is this happening?
あれあれ? いったい どうしたのでしょう? | What is going on? What could be the issue?
オーグラをふうじこめて 平和なはずのテンカイに あらしがまきおこりなにやら あやしいふんいきです・・・ | Ogura was trapped in the jar, and there should have been peace at Pufftop, so why is there such a suspicious storm?  
???・・・グラ・・よ・・オーグラよ・・ | ??? ...Gura.. Hey, Ogura!..
???テンカイのせいふくはまだか・・ | ??? What's the wait? Why haven't you conquered Pufftop yet?
???いつまでかかっておる・・グゴゴpゴゴゴゴ ??? Well you can stay in that jar as long as you like. Gwahahaha
???よに かんがえがある今すぐもどってこい オーグラよ |  But I think it's time for you to return Ogura
<<オーグラグハハハ! ツボは もうこなごなに くだけちったぞ!| Gwahahaha! The jar is shattered Starfy, Clam. Now it's completely broken!
オーグラあの 『おかた』がいるかぎりワシに まけはないの凾ぁー | That "gentleman" broke the seal.. You can never defeat me!
キョロスケな・・なんてこった・・ | ..What on Earth?!..
キョロスケでも 『あのおかた』ってーのはなんだ? This so-called "gentleman" friend of his, what's he talking about?
キョロスケまさか! オーグラより もっとつええのがいるってのか? | We've defeated Ogura so many times, but there's still even more work to do?!
パパスタまさか・・そんなはずは・・ |  ..That should have been the case, Moe..
パパスタじゃが このまま ほうっておくわけにはいかんのう・・ | But I feel it's too important to ignore..
パパスタスタフィー! キョロスケ! | Right? Starfy! Moe! 
パパスタなんとか ヤツをおってやっつけてきてくれい・・・ | Whatever it is, defeat them and return...
キョロスケバ・・バカいうなよ! | Gaa.. You idiot!!
キョロスケオーグラより もっと つええのがいるかもしれねえんだぞ! | I swear.. I d-don't know if I want to go :(!
キョロスケそれに ツボも もうこわされちまったし・・ | ..and besides the jar is broken right?..
キョロスケどうかんがえても かちめはねえ!オレさまはごめんだ!  I guess you're of the same opinion right? My honourable self.. I'm sorry :(
パパスタなにをいっとるか! テンカイの平和がかかっとるのだぞ! Listen to me, Moe!! Pufftop is in danger!
スタフィーたちが とほうにくれていると そこに ひとりのおんなの子があらわれました・・・ | Starfy and friends are going to return, also a certain girl has joined them...
テンカイコドモのおんなの子 なーにグズグズしてんの!にいちゃんたち! | Pufftop Girl : Wh..what.. (Murmur murmur).. What now bro, clam!?
キョロスケコラッ! いてーな!なんだ? オメェは!| What! I thought we were supposed to be going then? Who the heck are you!?
テンカイコドモのおんなの子さっきのやつ ワルモノなんやろ? | Some time ago you mention there was a bad guy?
テンカイコドモのおんなの子ほな はよ やっつけに行かなあかんやんか! You're no good. You're like a baby, aren't you?
この スタフィーそっくりな元気のいい おんなの子は・・? Who is this princess, a splitting image of Starfy..?
そうです!テンカイでの 平和なじかんが たつうちに・ That's right! Pufftop is no longer at peace, so it's time to leave home..
スタフィーに かわいいいもうとが できていたのでした<なまえは 『スタピー』といいます Presenting.. Starfy's cute young sister, who will join in the adventure. Her name is Starly! 
キョロスケバ・・バカいってんじゃねーよ!オメェは なにもしらねえから・・| idiot! What do you think you're doing..?
スタピーほらほら なさけないなあ・・・ | Aw look at you poor clam.. getting all caught up in this.
スタピーウチも ついてったるさかいはよいくで! | It's time to go; my home and the entire world is at stake!
キョロスケわわっ! コラ よせっ・・!スタフィー! なんとかしろ! | Wah, waah! it's the end! Starfy! What to do!? 
スタピーほななー!とうちゃん!かあちゃん! | See ya soon! Dad! Mum!
スタピーちょっと行って ワルモノをかるく ヒネってくるわー!| Let's go and mess with those bad guys.
パパスタ・・・だ・・・だれににたのかのう・・あの子は・・・ | Oh.. who does she think she is? Our little princess...
ママスタさ・・さあ・・でも・・ | True, but..
ママスタぶじに かえってきてくれるような・・・そんなきがしますわ・・・ | She'll sure keep the kingdom safe with that kind of attitude...
こうして 今回は あたらしいなかま『スタピー』をくわえた 3人でのにぎやかな ぼうけんが はじまります | ..And just like this, Starfy and friends meet a new friend called Starly. The three set off on a new adventure!
スタフィーたちは まず ロブじいさんの元に むかい たびのちえを さずけて もらうことにしました・・ | Starfy and friends head towards Old Man Lobber's place; where the adventure first began to get advice on the journey. 
さてさて どうなることやら・・・ | So.. what's going on this time?

Title screen

伝説のスタフィー3 [Graphic] | The Legend of<ref>[[Densetsu no Starfy/Regional differences|iQue version]]</ref> Starfy 3
スタートボタンをおしてね! [Graphic] | Push Start-Button!
Ⓒ2004 Nintendo/TOSE [Graphic]

File Select

ファイルをえらぼう [Graphic] | Select a File
ファイル1 [Graphic] | File 1
ファイル2 [Graphic] | File 2
ファイル3 [Graphic] | File 3
クリア! [Graphic] | Clear!
ファイルおけす > SELECT [Graphic] | Erase File > Select
ファイルのコピー > Lボタン [Graphic] | Copy File > L-Button

[Stage graphic text]:
ロブのどうくつ | [[Lobber's Cave]]
サンゴかいがん | [[Coral Coast]]
きりのまち | [[Misty Town]]
ジャングル | [[Jungle]]
ボーボーかざん | [[Flamer Volcano|Burning Volcano]]
ガブーンかいこう かいていいせき| [[Gabun Ocean Trench|Gaboom Trench]]
かいていいせき | [[Undersea Ruins]]
そらの海 | [[Sea of Sky]]
こじょう | [[Old Castle]]
いじげんかいいき | [[Alternative Dimension Ocean|Alt. Dimension Ocean]] [unused]
ニューゲーム | New Game
ステージュセレクト | Stage Select
はじめがら とちゅうがら | Play from a mid-point [[[Suspend Save]]?]

[Number graphic text]:

- [Dash]
1-14 [11-14 may be unused]

[Press Select graphics]:

どのファイルをけしますか? | Delete this file?
Bボタン>キャンセル | B-Button>Cancel

ほんとうに、ファイルXをけしてもいいですか? | Is it fine to erase File X? [X is 1-3]
はい | Yes
いいえ | No

>[Erasing file]:

ファイルをけしています | Erasing this File

[Press L-Button graphics]:

コピーするファイルをえらんでください。 | Please select the File to copy.
Bボタン>キャンセル | B-Button>Cancel
コピー中… | Copying...
ファイルXにはセーブデータがあります。コピーするとデータはきえますがよろしいですか? | File X already contains save data. Is it OK to copy and replace this data?
はい | Yes
いいえ | No

Stage 1 (Lobber's Cave)

Top box:

ロブのどうくつ | Lobber's Cave
むずかしさ | Difficulty

Starly's explanation of intro screens:

「おっす!今からウチがこのがめんの かんたんな せつめいを はじめるでー!」 | "Hey! From now on I'll be on the [intro] screens too [Starly]. I'll start offering some simple explanations [for you]!"
「せつめいを とばして 先に すすみたいばあいは スタートボタンを おしてやー」 | "If you'd rather skip my explanations, go ahead and press Start."
「まず これにちゅうもくー!」 | "To start, check out these options."
おみせへ | L>To the Shop
キョロスケさまのいえへ | R>To Moe's House
グッズがめんへ | Select>To The Stuff Screen
ステージセレクトへ | B>To the Stage Select

「このがめんから 行くことのできる ばしょが ここに出るでー」 | "From this screen [as indicated by the arrow], you're able to travel to various locations~ [using buttons]."

「ぼうけんがすすむと 行けるばしょも ふえるし それぞれにたいおうする ボタンを押して かつようしてやー」| "On your adventure, simply press the button to travel there~."

「おつぎは ここに ちゅうもくー!」 | "Next up, here is this box [as indicated by the middle arrow~]!"

「これは 今ぼうけんできる ステージの なまえや」 | "This is the name of the current Stage for the adventure, right."

「(A)ボタンを押すと ひょうじ されている ステージに 入れるでー」 | "Press the (A)-Button to enter that stage~."

「それから むずかしさの ☆ は おおいほど てごわいステージに なってとるから ちゅういしてや!」 | "Over here are the difficulty ☆s. Don't back out even if the Stage is difficult!"

「あ! そうそう! 今は ステージを じゆうに えらべへんけど・・・」 | "Uh.. so that's the way it is! No idea why, it seems a bit odd you [have all these options] already..."

「ぼうけんがすすむと じゆうに えらべる ようになるし ステージも ふえるから・・・」 | "Normally you'll unlock these options and progress to the next Stage later during the adventure."

「はじめは ひたすらぼうけんしまくってやー!」 | "I'm going to give it my all from the very beginning!"

「そして さいご! このがめんから ぬけたいときは Bボタンや! わかったー?」 | "To conclude, if you want to exit this screen press the B-Button! Understood~?"

「これで うちのせつめいは おしまいっ!」 | "..And that's the end of this explanation!"

「じゃあねー! ぼうけん がんばってやー バイバイ!」 | "See ya~! Try your best~ Bye-Bye!"

Stage 10 (Old Castle)

Ogura's sacrifice

Copy from my post (May 2, 2016; needs cleanup and now have studied Japanese longer may notice some errors).

Ending cutscene 1 (before Ogura's death):




Moe: Now.. surely.. W-We did it?

(Possibly onomatopoeia, "gogogogogogogogogogo......" for falling rocks)



Starly: Oo.. Br-Brother this really hurts...


「グハッ。。エビルクリスタこれだけあつめても だめ。。か」

Moe: Guhahh... Although we have collected this many Evil Crystals it's still not enough, or is it?


「ヌハハハ! よわきものたちよ!ゼにんまとめてくたばるがいい」

Evil: Nuhahaha! You lot are WEAK! It would be better off if you all dropped dead.


「これで テンカイは よのものだ! ぜんせかいを せいふくだー!」

Evil: With this, (???)! I will conquer the whole world!



Starly: Dad..Mum..Brother.. *Cough* *Cough*



Moe: There is nothing more that we can do. We are going to be stuck here.. maybe?



Moe: .......!?



Moe: Y-you.. Ogura.. Why did you come here?



これくらいで へこたれ。。るな」

Worn-out Altered Ogura: Y-you.. guys.. This is dark and I don't want to lose my heart, do I?


「そ。。それは よがもっていた さいごの エビルクリスタ!」

Evil: T..That means you were in possession of the last Evil Crystal!


「や。。やめる! なんのつもりだ! オーグラ! うらぎる気かぁー!」

Evil: S..Stop! What is the intention of this! Ogura! You traitor! Do you have a soul!?



オレさまたちを たすけ。。。

Moe: W-Why you?.. I'm the one who looks after my friends...


「グハッ。。はなしはあとじゃ早く おまえたちも。。。」

Worn-out Altered Ogura: Guhahh.. After the story.. Quickly you guys too...




Evil: Ugugu..!! Stop (Stop~ooooo - possibly like Yameru~ooooo, which sounds like "nooooo"(?)



Worn-out Altered Ogura: Guwa~aaaaaa!


「おい! それいじょうやったら オーグラ。。オメェまで。。。

Moe: Hey! Let's move out, Ogura.. Friends.. here... (not a literal translation)



Worn-out Altered Ogura:
M-My.. body is not so good.. Hold on.. Guhahh


「こ。。こんな。。さいごのさいごで よは。。まける。。のか。。。」



Evil: L..Like this, this is the very end. This means.. I'm going to lose... Or will I?

In the second ending cutscene, it appears like Ogura may have had feelings of guilt for not having a good heart, when he says 
"With Y..You guys.. In every way, while I've battled with you.. I have thought you are brave,
your friendship is pure, your heart; well you moved my heart. (I hope you can understand) Until now, the truth is... I'm sorry, *cough* *cough*".

When Ogura said "うごかしたんじゃ。。
", I believe the ん possibly implied that he wanted Starfy and friends to understand his background; how Evil exploited him and defeating Evil may have been the point at which Ogura finally came forward to redeem himself for his actions.

Ending scene 3 (Ogura's castle collapses and Ogura passes away)



Moe: So... this is the end... (it has ended, more literally)


「あ! オーグラが。。。」

Starly: Oh! Ogura has...


「..... 行

Moe: ...Now taken a trip to where he needs to go.


「むこうでは いいヤツに なってるといいな。。。」

Moe: I hope he has become a good guy over there...


!  オレさまたちも かえろうぜ!」

Moe: *Sigh*! I hope that we become good guys too!



Moe: We've got to go to that place!

Trading Card Picture Book






Moe's House miscellaneous


